Any discrepancies of the contants of this page should be resolved in favor of the official hard copy printed version of the Digest 22, as published by the FSM Supreme Court. Certain word processing characters such as dashes and quotation marks may not have translated cleanly into "html" format and may appear as equal sign instead of single quatation marks, or other symbols instead of dashes, respectively. Also certain formats such as indents, tabs, and block quotes may not have translated from the word processing document into the "html" format. Please see the Disclaimer page of this web site for more information.
A Digest to FSM Supreme Court Reports and an Updator to "shepardize" FSM Supreme Court opinions are available in Adobe Acrobat "pdf" format. The updator designates decisions that are overruled or reversed, as well as provides other information on a decision. A Table of Cases listing all cases in the FSM Supreme Court Reports are also available in Acrobat "pdf". Simply click on the aforementioned links to access these documents in "pdf" format. Both Updator and Table of Cases are rather large documents that may be more efficiently utilized in hard copy format.
This Digest covers all cases in the FSM Reports volumes 1-22, pages 1-2588 (2021 Edition). If you would like to download a "pdf" version of each topic of the digest, you may do so by clicking on the download link at the very bottom of each topics listed. Some of the topics are quite large at over a 100 pages per section and can take awhile to download.
Table of Contants