This two volume set includes the Kosraean State Code and Executive Department Regulations updated through and including December 31, 1997. Also included is the Kosraean State Constitution inKosraean and in English as amended by the 1995 Constitutional Convention.

     Every effort was taken to insure that this version of the State Code accurately reflects the language of the State laws as adopted.  The Code was updated by reference to the original State Bills on file with the Kosrae Legislature.  The only alterations which were made to the original language as adopted occurred where there were obvious spelling errors in the original.  In those instances, the word was spelled correctly and placed in brackets to denote that a change had been made.

     It is anticipated that periodic updates will be made available to maintain this set.  Amending material will be inserted in the Code and Regulation binders, parenthetically showing a date of amendment for a given section.  It may be assumed that a Code section without a parenthetical indication of source, dates from this 1997 update.  Several page numbers have been reserved at the end of each code title to allow for future additions.

      This project was undertaken through the efforts of the Honorable Moses Mackwelung, Governor of Kosrae and the Honorable Hiteo S. Shrew, Speaker of the Kosrae State Legislature.  The project was completed by Andrew Blum, Esq. with assistance from Legislative Aides Ann Noda and Carlton Timothy.