Article VII
Recall and Impeachment

     Section 1.  The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, a justice of the State Court, or a Senator may be removed from office by recall.  Recall is initiated by a petition which shall identify the official sought to be recalled by name and office, state the grounds for recall, and be signed by at least twenty-five percent of the persons qualified to vote for the office occupied by the official, except that recall of a justice of the State Court requires the same number of signatures as a statewide elective office.  A special recall election shall be held not later than sixty calendar days after the filing of the recall petition.  An official is removed from office with the approval of a majority of the persons voting in the election.  A recall petition may not be filed against an official during the first year of his term of office.

     Section 2.  The Governor, Lieutenant Governor or a justice of the State Court may be removed from office upon conviction of impeachment for misfeasance or malfeasance in office, or for conviction of a felony.  A justice of the State Court may be impeached by a petition from the Governor setting forth in detail the grounds of impeachment.  The Governor or the Lieutenant Governor may be impeached by a petition from the Chief Justice of the State Court setting forth in detail the grounds of impeachment.  Upon the signing of a petition of impeachment, it shall be served upon the Speaker of the Legislature who shall convene the Legislature to try the impeachment.  A conviction of impeachment requires the concurrence of three-fourths of the Senators.  The manner and procedure of removal by impeachment shall be prescribed by law. Judgments in cases of impeachment may not extend beyond removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit under the State, but such person may be liable and subject to information, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law.  No officer may exercise his official duties after he has been impeached and notified thereof, until he may have been acquitted.