Chapter 8.  The Parole Board

Section 7.801.  The Parole Board.
Section 7.802.  Powers and duties.
Section 7.803.  Parole and pardon.
Section 7.804.  Meetings.
Section 7.805.  Ombudsman.
Section 7.806.  Parole eligibility.

      Section 7.801.  The Parole Board.
       The Parole Board consists of five members who serve for terms of three years. Each municipality is the place of residence of at least one member.  A member is a citizen and a State resident for the five years next preceding appointment.  A person who is a Court employee or who holds a license to practice law in a court may not be a member.

      Section 7.802.  Powers and duties.
       The Board has the power and duty to:

     (1)  establish uniform written standards for consideration of parole and pardon;

     (2)  review Court and Office of the Attorney General records;

     (3)  make recommendations regarding parole or pardon to the Governor.

      Section 7.803.  Parole and pardon.
       The Governor may grant parole and pardon only upon an affirmative recommendation by the Board.

      Section 7.804.  Meetings.
       The Board meets within ten days of receipt of a petition for parole or pardon, or notification of an eligibility for parole, to consider the petition or notification.

      Section 7.805.  Ombudsman.
       The Ombudsman notifies the Board in writing when a person is eligible for parole, and assists the Board upon request.

      Section 7.806.  Parole eligibility.
       A person is eligible for parole upon serving one-third of the sentence or a lesser period of time specified by the Court at the time of sentencing.