Chapter 5.  The Visitors Bureau

Section 7.501.  Bureau established.
Section 7.502.  Responsibilities, duties and powers of the Bureau.
Section 7.503.  Board of Directors; composition and term.
Section 7.504.  Removal of Board Members.
Section 7.505.  Meetings of the Board.
Section 7.506.  Organization of the Board; quorum; compensation and expenses.
Section 7.507.  Coordinating Officer; appointment and removal.
Section 7.508.  Duties of the Coordinating Officer.
Section 7.509.  Transfer of personnel, funding, facilities and equipment.
Section 7.510.  Reporting.

Former Chapter 5, establishing the Executive Service Appeals Board, was repealed by State Law 6-158.  State Law 7-62 added the Kosrae Visitors Bureau as Chapter 14.  State Law 7-95 renumbered those provisions under Chapter 5 in this Code.

State Law 7-91 also enacted a Chapter 5 establishing the Kosrae Port Authority, which is reproduced in the immediately following chapter.

      Section 7.501.  Bureau established.
       There is hereby established an Agency under this Chapter which shall be known as "The Kosrae Visitors Bureau" referred to in this Chapter as the "Bureau."

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1401.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.502.  Responsibilities, duties and powers of the Bureau.
       The Bureau is vested with the following responsibilities, duties and powers:

     (1)  to promote and develop Kosrae's tourism industry in such a manner as it deems appropriate, including providing and disseminating information and materials promoting Kosrae as a visitor destination;

     (2)  to promote local interest and participation at all levels of the visitor industry;

     (3)  to assist, when requested, both government and private entities in the development, implementation and promotion of programs to further education, training, employment assistance and entrepreneurial development;

     (4)  to promote local cultural activities for residents;

     (5)  to promote items of local manufacture;

     (6)  to promote and assist in the development of adequate tourist facilities and attractions;

     (7)  to work with other entities to collect, analyze, evaluate and regularly publish comprehensive data on the visitor industry;

     (8)  to adopt, alter and use an official seal;

     (9)  to adopt and enforce regulations to effect the purposes of this Chapter; and

     (10)  to engage in all lawful activities to promote tourism and to carry out and further the purposes of this Chapter.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1402.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.503.  Board of Directors; composition and term.

     (1)  The State Visitors Bureau shall be governed by a Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall consist of five members, all appointed by the Governor of Kosrae with the advice and consent of the State Legislature. Three of the board members shall be members of the private sector whose primary occupations are in the tourism industry.

     (2)  The Board of Directors shall serve a term of four years each.  In case of a vacancy, a replacement shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Legislature.

     (3)  The Governor shall make the appointments to the initial Board of Directors within 60 days of the effective date of this act.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1403.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.504.  Removal of Board Members.

     (1)  Members of the Board of Directors shall be removed for good cause by a majority vote of the Board.  The Board determines what constitutes good cause.  The decision of the Board to remove a Board member is final, with no right of appeal.

     (2)  A private sector Board member who becomes employed by the government or who ceases to be primarily occupied in the tourism industry shall be removed from the Board.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1404.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.505.  Meetings of the Board.
        Within 15 days after the confirmation of the initial Board, the Governor calls an organizational meeting for the purpose of electing its officers.  The Board meets and holds at least one public meeting each calendar quarter and other public meetings as it may deem necessary for the transaction of its general business.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1405.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.506.  Organization of the Board; quorum; compensation and expenses.
       The Board organizes by electing one of its members as Chairman and another as Vice-Chairman.  The Board also designates from among its members a Secretary to keep the minutes and records of the Board.  Any three members of the Board constitute a quorum, and a concurrence of three members is necessary for any official action taken by the Board.  No vacancy in the membership of the Board impairs the right of a quorum to exercise all of the rights and perform all of the duties of the Board.  Directors shall not receive compensation for their services. Directors may receive compensation for travel expenses and per diem at Kosrae State Government rates when these amounts would be payable to Kosrae State Government employees in the same circumstances.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1406.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.507.  Coordinating Officer; appointment and removal.
       The Board of Directors shall hire a Coordinating Officer who shall be responsible to the Board of Directors to execute its programs.  The Board appoints a Coordinating Officer and fixes his compensation.  The Coordinating Officer has full charge and control of the Bureau operations.  The Board may remove the Coordinating Officer for good cause upon a majority vote.  During any period when the position of Coordinating Officer is vacant, the Board may temporarily fill the position pursuant to its rules and regulations.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1407.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.508.  Duties of the Coordinating Officer.
       The Coordinating Officer shall:

     (1)  manage the daily business of the Bureau; to select and appoint the employees of the Bureau; and to plan, organize, coordinate and control the services of such employees in the exercise of the powers of the Bureau under the general direction of the Board;

     (2)  attend all meetings of the Board and to submit to the Board reports on the affairs of the Bureau;

     (3)  keep the Board advised on the needs of the Bureau;

     (4)  consult with the Board, to prepare in advance of each fiscal year an annual budget for the Bureau for submission to the Governor and Kosrae State Legislature; and

     (5)  perform such other and additional duties as the Board may require.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1408.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.509.  Transfer of personnel, funding, facilities and equipment.
       Following the organization of the Bureau, the State transfers to the Bureau, all personnel, funding, facilities and equipment from the Division of Tourism to the Kosrae Visitors Bureau.  Details of this transfer are to be mutually agreed to by the Board and the Department of Commerce and Industry.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1409.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.

      Section 7.510.  Reporting.
       The Board shall present an annual report to the Governor and to the Legislature on the affairs of the Bureau within 60 days after the end of the fiscal year and, when requested by the Governor or the Legislature, present special reports within 30 days of the request.

Added by State Law 7-62 as Section 7.1410.  Renumbered by State Law 7-95.