Chapter 47.  Witnesses

Section 6.4701.  Summons.
Section 6.4702.  Detention.

      Section 6.4701.  Summons.
       The Court or a Court official authorized in writing by the Court, may issue a witness summons in a proceeding.  The Court may determine that a person's failure without adequate excuse to obey a witness summons is a contempt of court.

Cross reference:
The constitutional provisions on the Judiciary are found in Kosrae Const., Art. VI.  The constitutional provisions on personal freedoms are found in Kosrae Const., Art. II.

      Section 6.4702.  Detention.
       If the Court has cause to find that a material witness may be subject to intimidation or, for other reason unavailable at trial, the Court may make a written order for his detention, for a period not exceeding twenty-one days without the issuance of a further order.  A person detained as a material witness has the right to release upon giving bail for his appearance as witness in an amount fixed by the Court or the appellate court.  The Court or appellate court may order the witness' release without bail if his detention exceeds an unreasonable length of time and may modify the bail requirements at any time.