Chapter 13.  Staff

Section 6.1301.  Court staff, standards of conduct.
Section 6.1302.  Notary public powers.
Section 6.1303.  Police.

      Section 6.1301.  Court staff, standards of conduct.
       The Court’s staff consists of those persons appointed to officer and employee positions funded by law.  The staff adheres to standards of conduct established by rule which assure professional, courteous and unbiased conduct in Court operations and proceedings. The standards include a prohibition of the practice of law.

Cross reference:
The constitutional provisions on the Judiciary are found in Kosrae Const., Art. VI.

      Section 6.1302.  Notary public powers.
       A justice, and a Court officer appointed in writing by the Court, may administer an oath or affirmation to a witness, and may exercise the powers of a notary public pursuant to rule.

      Section 6.1303.  Police.
       At the Court’s request the Governor makes every reasonable effort to provide Police personnel to assist in Court proceedings and operations.  While on assignment to the Court pursuant to this section Police personnel are subject to the Court’s exclusive control in consultation with the Chief of Police.