Public Service System
§ 121. Establishment of system.
§ 122. Personnel Officer—Appointment and qualifications.
§ 123. Personnel Officer—Functional duties.
§ 124. Regulations.
There is hereby established in the central Government of the Federated States of Micronesia a system of personnel administration based on merit principles and accepted personnel methods governing the classification of positions and the employment, conduct, movement, and separation of public officers and employees. This system of personnel administration shall be referred to as the National Public Service System.
Source: TT Code 1966 § 91(a); TT Code 1970, 61 TTC 1(1); COM PL 4C-49 § 4; TT Code 1980, 61 TTC 4; PL 1-47 § 2.
(1) The Personnel Officer shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Congress or its appropriate committee.
(2) The Personnel Officer shall direct and supervise all the administrative and technical activities of the Office of Personnel.
(3) The Personnel Officer shall be a person qualified for administrative responsibility by training and experience and of known sympathy with merit principles of personnel administration.
Source: COM PL 4C-49 § 8(1), (2); TT Code 1980, 61 TTC 8(1), (2); PL 1-47 § 6(1), (2), (3).
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the President and the Executive are found in title 2 of this code.
The Personnel Officer shall:
(1) be directly responsible to the President and serve as a principal adviser to the President and his staff on all matters concerning personnel administration and employee training;
(2) administer the system of personnel administration for the central Government of the Federated States of Micronesia;
(3) prepare proposed policies and regulations to carry out provisions of this chapter;
(4) cooperate fully with and attend, or assign a qualified representative to attend, all meetings of the ad hoc committees organized under section 153 of this chapter, and provide the committee with such technical advice as it may require;
(5) appoint other employees of the Office of Personnel, in accordance with all other applicable provisions of law;
(6) establish and maintain a current roster of all officers and employees in the public services, indicating for each the class of position held, the salary, and any other appropriate data;
(7) develop and maintain a system of performance evaluation for the purpose of appraising the productivity of employees in the public service;
(8) develop and maintain a position classification plan and a pay plan in accordance with this chapter and other applicable laws;
(9) develop and utilize recruitment and selection procedures and methods;
(10) develop training programs for the improvement of employee skills and for the development of a systematic career program for employees who are citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia; and
(11) perform any other lawful acts assigned to him by the President or otherwise required to carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter.
Source: COM PL 4C-49 § 8(3)-(13); TT Code 1980, 61 TTC 8(3); PL 1-47 § 6(4).
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the President and the Executive are found in title 2 of this code.
The Personnel Officer shall draft regulations for personnel administration in the central Government of the Federated States of Micronesia and shall submit such proposed regulations, together with his comments and recommendations thereon, to the President. The President, after considering the recommendations of the Personnel Officer, shall promulgate personnel regulations in the manner provided by law. When promulgated, such regulations shall have the force and effect of law. They may relate to any matter not inconsistent with law concerning the establishment and maintenance of a system of personnel management based on merit principles, including but not limited to matters set forth in this chapter, and may be amended or repealed through the same procedure by which they were adopted or by statute.
Source: COM PL 3C-49 § 1(4); TT Code 1970, 61 TTC 1(4); COM PL 4C-49 § 8(3)(c); TT Code 1980, 61 TTC 8(3)(c); PL 1-47 § 26.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the President and the Executive are found in title 2 of this code. The statutory provisions on Administrative Procedure are found in title 17 of this code.