Article II: Defense Facilities
and Operating Rights
Section 321
(a) Specific arrangements for the establishment and use by the Government of the United States of military areas and facili- ties in the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia are set forth in separate agreements which shall come into effect simultaneously with this Compact.
(b) If, in the exercise of its authority and responsibility under this Title, the Government of the United States requires the use of areas within the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia in addition to those for which specific arrangements are concluded pursuant to Section.321(a), it may request the Government concerned to satisfy those requirements through leases or other arrangements. The Government of the Marshall Islands or the Federated States of Micronesia shall sympathetically consider any such request and shall establish suitable procedures to discuss it with and provide a prompt response to the Government of the United States.
(c) The Government of the United States recognizes and respects the scarcity and special importance of land in the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia. In mak- ing any requests pursuant to Section 321(b), the Government of the United States shall follow the policy of requesting the minimum area necessary to accomplish the required security and defense purpose, of requesting only the minimum interest in real property necessary to support such purpose, and of requesting first to satisfy its requirement through public real property, where available, rather than through private real property.
Section 322
The Government of the United States shall provide and maintain fixed and floating aids to navigation in the Marshall islands and the Federated States of Micronesia at least to the extent necessary for the exercise of its authority and responsibility under this Title.
Section 323
The military operating rights of the Government of the United States and the
legal status and contractual arrangements of the United States Armed Forces,
their members, and associated civ- ilians, while present in the Marshall Islands
or the Federated States of Micronesia, are set forth in separate agreements
which shall come into effect simultaneously with this