§ 1404. Authorization of annual appropriation.
There is hereby created the position of District Police Officer within the Chuuk State Truk District Department of Public Safety. There shall be nine such police officers, all of whom shall be under the supervision of the Chief of Police, Chuuk State Truk District. Six of the aforementioned police officers shall be assigned to the outer islands of the State of Chuuk Truk District.
Source: TDL 21-14, § 1, as amended by TDL 22-4, § 1, modified.
Editor's note: TDL 21-14 that created this Chapter was signed into law by the District Administrator on July 14, 1972. TDL 22-4 that amended this Section was signed into law by the District Administrator on August 17, 1971.
Incumbents for the position of District police officer created by this Chapter act shall be hired by the Truk District Chief of Police to whom they shall be answerable, subject to the provisions of this Chapter act. The Truk District Chief of Police is hereby authorized to utilize the services of the District Personnel Administrator in recruitment and hiring of persons for the position of district police. No person shall be hired for the position of district police officer who does not meet or exceed the minimum requirements for employment as a police officer in the Chuuk State Micronesia police.
Source: TDL 21-14, § 2, modified.
The position of district police officer shall have a starting level of B-6-1 or its equivalent. Each district police officer shall be entitled to all the step increases, merit increases, and annual increments when warranted, as any other Chuuk State Trust Territory Government employees. The State District Treasurer shall disburse the fund appropriated by this Chapter act upon receipt of the police timesheet for a pay period and a request by the District Chief of Police for the payment of the police salaries for that given pay period.
Source: TDL 21-14, § 3, modified.
§ 1404. Authorization of
annual appropriation.
There is hereby authorized an annual appropriation out of the General Fund of the State of Chuuk Truk District Legislature, not otherwise appropriated, of such sum as the Legislature deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Chapter Act.
Source: TDL 21-14, § 4, as amended by 22-4, § 2, modified.