DRAFT CSC, Title 4. The Executive
Surplus Property

§ 1201.  Director of Public Works appointed Administrator of Surplus            
               Personal Property.
§ 1202.  Special fund.
§ 1203.  Administrator authorized to promulgate regulations.
§ 1204.  Quarterly reports.
§ 1205 . Application of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act
                of 1949.

     § 1201.  Director of Public Works appointed Administrator of Surplus Personal Property.
     The Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby appointed Administrator of Surplus Personal Property, empowered to receive, transfer, preserve, store, and distribute such property in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended by Public Law 94-519.

Source:  TSL 2-2-1, § 1.

Editor's note:  TSL 2-2-1 which created this Chapter was signed into law by the Governor on January 25, 1980.

     § 1202.  Special Fund.
     The Administrator is directed to create a special fund to be kept separate and distinct from all other funds.  From this fund the Administrator is empowered to deposit and disperse monies collected from the donees of surplus personal property as handling costs and from other sources.

Source:  TSL 2-2-1, § 2.

     § 1203.  Administrator authorized to promulgate regulations.
     The Administrator is empowered to promulgate and publicize reasonable rules and regulations appropriate to the discharge of his responsibility as custodian of surplus personal property and to delegate administrative authority, which delegation shall be subject to the personal supervision of the Administrator.

Source:  TSL 2-2-1, § 3.

     § 1204.  Quarterly reports.
     The Administrator shall submit quarterly reports in writing to the Governor respecting the status of the special fund and the dispersal and utilization of the personal property entrusted to him.

Source:  TSL 2-2-1, § 4.

     § 1205.  Application of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949.
     The Administrator shall conduct his office according to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.

Source:  TSL 2-2-1, § 5.