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Federated States of Micronesia
Personnel Matters: Hiring, Promotion,
Reclassification and Class
Purpose. The Public Service System Act provides for hiring, promotion, reclassification and class allocation. The purpose of this executive order is to put a freeze on such hiring, promotion, reclassification and class allocation.
Information. The government, in preparation for the reduced funding level starting next fiscal year and for the post-compact period, is in the process of reducing its annual operation budget. The single highest cost in our operation budget is personnel cost and, thus, this has to be reduced through decreasing the size of our workforce and reducing average annual salary.
It is our plan to reduce the size of our workforce through a voluntary early retirement (VER) program wherein employees volunteering to retire will be paid a lump sum of money upon retirement. Such sum is to serve as the incentive provided to encourage early retirement.
The VER program implementation will cost money which has to be borrowed. To make sure that the loan we acquire is adequate to cover implementation cost, total payroll cost has to be maintained at it present level. Our calculations, otherwise, would be off.
Justifications. The only way to keep payroll cost constant is to freeze 1) annual step increases in annual salaries, 2) hiring new employees, 3) promotion, 4) reclassification and 5) class reallocation. Step increases have to be dealt with through legislation but items no. 2 through no. 5 could be and are, therefore, being dealt with administratively through tills executive order. In short, there is no other way in which payroll cost could at !east he maintained at its current level.
Enforcement. The OAS Division of Personnel is hereby charged with the responsibility to enforce this executive order to ensure full compliance herewith.
Effective Date. This executive order takes effect as of the date hereof.
Vincent A. Figir 2 /23/ 96
State of Yap
WHEREAS, the State Public Service System Act became effective on
January 1, 1980; and
WHEREAS, Section 26 of Yap State Law No. 1-35 provides that the
Chief of Personnel shall draft regulations for personnel administration; and
Section 26 of Yap State Law No. 1-35 empowers the Governor
to promulgate said regulations, and then promulgated they shall have the
force and effect of law; and
WHEREAS, EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 1-80 adopted the Code of Public Regulations for the Trust Territory Personnel System for use as the Yap State Personnel Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Chief of Personnel has submitted to the Governor a set of proposed personnel regulations subsequent to EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 1-80;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority vested in the Governor by Yap District Law NO. 6-12, Section 26, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that EXECUTIVE ORDER No. 1-80 is hereby rescinded and voided, and pursuant to Yap State Law No. 1--35, Section,26.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the set of proposed personnel regulations submitted by the Chief of Personnel is hereby adopted and promulgated as the State Personnel Regulations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
seal this 11TH day of January, 1984,
John A. Mangefel
Purpose. These regulations implement the
provisions of the State Public Service System Act (Y.S.L No.
1-35), hereinafter referred to as the "System".
1.2 Coverage. These regulations apply to all employees and positions in the State Government that are covered by the system.
1.3 Application. All matters concerning the classification and compensation of positions and the employment, conduct, assignment, training, performance, and separation of employees in the System shall be governed by applicable regulations and shall be applied equitably to all.
1.4 Limitations. Preference in employment and training will be given to citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Citizens of other countries shall be employed only when qualified FSM citizens are not available.
2.1 The administration of these regulations shall be the responsibility of the Chief unless otherwise specified in the regulations or the State Public Service System Act.
2.2 Subject to these regulations, and the Public Service System Act, the Chief shall:
a. Direct and supervise all of the administrative and technical activities of the Division of Personnel;
b. Administer the system of personnel administration for the Yap State Government of the Federated States of Micronesia;
c. Act for the governor in the exercise of his appointing and terminating authority, to include the determination of qualifications required for all positions, whether employees or potential employees meet minimum qualifications required, and the appropriate compensation for all positions in the Government;
d. Advise officials of the government on all matters concerning personnel management and administration and employee training;
e. Formulate and recommend to the Governor, and as appropriate to other officials, policies and regulations to carry out the provisions of Y.S.L. No. 1-35, as may be amended;
f. Cooperate fully with and attend, or arrange for a qualified representative to attend all meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee organized under Section 25 (3) of Y.S.L. No. 135, and give the Committee any technical advice it requires;
g. Develop and maintain adequate position classification and pay plans;
h. Administer recruitment and examination programs and determine when employees meet specific qualification requirements;
i. Provide advice and assistance to management officials on matters concerned with the administration of employee discipline, as well as in the process. of grievance and appeal actions;
j. Develop training programs for improvement of employee skills;
k. Establish and maintain records of personnel employed in the System;
l. Perform any other activities deemed necessary to assure promotion of a merit system.
Based on the needs of the Government, the Chief of Personnel (hereinafter referred to as the "Chief") shall administer recruitment programs designed to attract fully qualified applicants for the System. Competitive selection procedures shall be used to the maximum extent practicable.
3.1 Authorized Positions. No person shall be appointed to any position not exempt from the System until and unless that position has been properly established, classified, and authorized for recruitment.
3.2 Accountability of Positions. A list of all authorized positions shall be maintained by the Chief showing the classification and current status of each such position. Changes in the authorized quota of positions for each department or office shall not be made without the approval of the Governor or his designated representative.
3.3 Examination Announcements. As vacancies occur or are anticipated, examinations for recruitment shall be announced and posted in the Personnel Office, and shall be given the widest publicity justified for the vacancy.
a. Radio, newspapers, and other forms of media shall be used whenever practicable.
b. Department and office heads shall make every effort to bring announcements to the attention of all personnel under their jurisdiction by providing copies to the various units of their offices.
c. The Chief shall determine the coverage of examination announcements based on the availability of skills within the area in which a vacancy is located.
d. With the exception of promotional examinations, all examinations shall be open to the public. Admission to all examinations shall be conditioned by appropriatestandards of health, physical condition, age, education, training, experience, and character as are deemed necessary by the Chief.
3.4 Content of Examination Announcements. Announcements shall contain at least the following information:
a. Class title of position.
b. Salary and pay level.
c. Brief description of duties and responsibilities.
d. Geographical and organizational location of the position.
e. Qualifications required for admission
f. Opening and closing dates, and place to file applications
g. Any other information considered by the Chief to be valuable to the attraction of candidates for the position.
3.5 Period of Announcement. Examination
announcements on a competitive basis shall be open for at least fifteen
(15) calendar days. However, the Chief may extend the period for receipt
of applications, at his discretion, providing such extensions are
announced in the same manner as the original announcement.
3.6 Continuous Examinations. When difficulty is experienced in attracting sufficient numbers of qualified applicants for vacancies in the System, the Chief may announce a continuous examination. Notice of closing of a continuous examination shall be posted at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the final closing date for such examination.
3.7 Promotional Examinations. Promotional examinations are restricted to permanent employees in the System. Announcements to fill vacancies by promotion shall be distributed in the same manner as other eligibility for participation in an examination to a particular department or office if the position to be filled is of a nature peculiar to that department or office.
3.8 Open-Competitive Examinations. Examinations shall be open-competitive whenever the Chief determines that they are in the best interests of the System. Announcement of open-competitive examinations shall be posted, and applications may be filed for a period of at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to holding the examination.
3.9 Non-Competitive Examinations. Non-competitive examinations shall be administered for positions requiring special qualifications and training which do not admit of competition, or when there are less qualified applicants than vacancies.
3.10 Content of Examinations. Examinations shall be practical and reasonable and shall provide for ascertaining the qualifications of applicants and their relative capacity and fitness for the proper performance of duties in the class of position for which they are applying. Any accepted method of examining may be used, including verification and evaluation of education, training, aptitude, and character of applicants and any other accepted examining device deemed appropriate by the Chief.
3.11 Security of Examinations. Examinations shall be administered and maintained under conditions affording maximum security at all times. All precaution shall be taken to safeguard the confidential nature of examination questions and related documents. Information concerning the nature and content of tests shall not be divulged true any person prior to the examination. Unauthorized disclosure of examination material shall be cause for disqualification from employment in the System. The identity of examination candidates shall be kept confidential, through appropriate means, during the entire examination process until the completion of the scoring process. The substitution in an examination of a different person for an accepted applicant is considered, for both parties, unauthorized disclosure of examination material. Cheating by a candidate and assisting another candidate to cheat shall be considered unauthorized disclosure of examination material.
3.12 Admission to Examinations.
Applications for examination shall be made on forms prescribed by the Chief. Proper completion of applications and submission of supplemental information shall be accomplished in accordance with the examination announcement and established procedures. Applications shall be signed and such signature shall certify to the truth of all statements contained therein. A false answer or statement shall be grounds for denying admission to the examination, removal from the System if employed prior to the discovery of a false answer or statement. The Chief shalldesignate persons authorized to accept applications. Applications for specific positions shall be accepted only during the period specified on the examination announcement. Applications submitted by mail shall be postmarked than the announcement closing date. Late applications not be accepted unless approved by the Chief because of unusual circumstances. Such determinations shall be made a matter of record and similar circumstances in other examinations shall be treated equally.
3.13 Disqualification of Applicants. The Chief may refuse to examine an applicant for any of the following reasons:
a. Failure to meet the minimum qualification requirements for admission to the examination.
b. Unsatisfactory physical or mental health conditions.
c. Habitual or excessive use of drugs, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages.
d. False statements, or attempting to practice deception or fraud in his application.
e. Failure to file for examination within the dates specified by the examination announcement.
f. Criminal, infamous, dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct detrimental to the performance of duties of the position for which he has applied.
Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications or who are disqualified for any of the reasons noted above shall be notified as soon as practicable. If an applicant isdisqualified following placement on an eligible list, his name shall be removed from the eligible list and if appointed from the eligible list, he shall be terminated.
3.14 Notification of Acceptance for Examination. Each applicant who have been accepted shall be given sufficient advance notice of the date, time, and place of examination; inclusion of the requisite information on the examination announcement meets this notification requirement. No applicant shall be entitled to take an examination at a date, time, or place other than that stated in the notification, unless specifically authorized by the Chief. The Chief shall not be responsible if a notice is lost in the mails or sent to an applicant's former address through failure of an applicant to report a change of address. Where mail service is not adequate to meet these notification requirements oral notification in person by telephone or by radio may be given if the foregoing time and content provisions are met, and if such or all notification is properly documented.
3.15 Conduct of Examinations. The Chief shall appoint a representative to administer the examinations at the time and place designated in the notification of acceptance for examination or the examination announcement.
3.16 Cancellation of Examination. Examinations may be cancelled at any time by the Chief if there is no longer need for eligibles covered by the examination or if the examination no longer meets the expressed requirements of the Government.
3.17 Rating of Examinations. Appropriate scientific and statistical techniques and procedures shall be used in scoring and rating examinations, and determining the relative ranking of candidates on competitive examinations. The final rating required to pass an examination shall be set by the Chief, who may also set minimum ratings for each part of the examination. The final earned ratings of each candidate shall be determined by combining the earned ratings of each part of the examination in accordance with the weights established for each part.
3.18 Reviews of Examination Results. Any applicant may request a review of his rating within ten (10) calendar days following the notification of examination results. Such request for review shall be addressed to the Chief, who shall comply with the request and make whatever changes, if any, the facts warrant.
3.19 Changes in Rating. Changes in rating may be made as a result of correction of errors in the scoring or rating process, or as a result of a request for review wherein the facts warrant a change. Correction of errors shall be applied equally to all participants. An amended notice of rating shall be reported to all applicant affected by such changes in rating. If a correction results in non-passing for an employee already appointed from that eligible list, that employee shall be terminated from the position to which appointed.
3.20 Certification from Eligible Lists. Appointments and promotions in the System shall be made from certified eligible lists resulting from examinations, except as otherwise provided by these regulations.
3.21 Physical and Medical Examinations. Physical examinations may be required of all applicants and employees of the System where physical condition requirements arenecessary for the proper performance of assigned duties. Medical examination may also be required of employees prior to entry on duty. Such examinations shall provide for a means of determining whether or not the individual concerned is free from any present or potential physical and medical conditions adverse to performance of his duties, other employees, and members of the System. The Chief shall notify such persons when examinations are required.
3.22 Administration of Physical and Medical Examinations. Physical and medical examinations shall be administered by medical personnel. All applicants or employees of the System shall pay the cost of those examinations.
4.1 Establishment of Eligible Lists. Employees in the System shall be selected from employment lists, hereinafter referred to as "eligible lists" and maintained by the Chief. Except for reemployment lists, candidates shall be placed on eligible lists in the order of qualifying grades on the examination. The list shall be designated as an "eligible list" for that class of position and shall be considered "established" upon approval by the Chief.
4.2 Duration of Eligible Lists. The life of an eligible list, other than the reemployment list, shall be for a period of one (1) year. When an eligible list is reduced to an insufficient number of eligibles, a new list may be established through appropriate examination. Remaining eligibles shall be combined with those on the new list for the remainder of the term of the original list. An open examination list, and a promotional examination eligible list shall not be combined. A competitive examination eligible list and a non-competitive examination eligible list shall be combined only as a non-competitive eligible list. If an eligible candidate successfully participates in a subsequent competitive examination and the resulting eligible list is combined with that of a previous competitive examination eligible list bearing his name, that eligible candidate shall elect to have his name retained on a combined list, either at the position and for the remainder of the term of the original list, or of the subsequent list, but not at both positions.
4.3 Order of Use of Eligible Lists. The following order shall be followed in the use of eligible lists:
Reemployment List.
b. Promotional List.
c. Open-Competitive List.
4.4 Reemployment List. Any person who has held a permanent position in the System from which he has resigned in good standing, or has been demoted or terminated through Reduction In Force (RIF), shall have his name placed on a reemployment list. The name of such person shall be placed on the reemployment list for the same or relatedclass of position as he last held under permanent appointment.
Names shall be arranged on the reemployment list in the chronological order of their separation. Names shall be removed from the reemployment list at the expiation of three (3) years from the date of separation, or sooner if the individual is reemployed in a position at the same or as higher pay level as that he formerly held in the System. 4.5
Promotional List. Only persons in the System
who have completed their probationary period and have passed the requisite
promotional examination may be placed on a promotional list. The Chief may
confine a promotional list to persons of one department or office if their
work is of a nature peculiar to that department or office. A promotional
list shall be certified by the Chief only after it has been determined
that a qualified candidate is not available through the reemployment
list. 4.6 Open-Competitive List. The Chief shall
prepare an eligible list after each open-competitive examination. Such
lists shall place all persons thereon, with passing grades, in the order
of their final ratings. In the event two or more applicants have identical
ratings, their names shall be placed according to their scores, on the
most heavily weighted portion of the examination. If all portions are
identical, the receipt time of their applications will determine priority.
An open-competitive list shall be certified by the Chief only after it has
been determined that a qualified candidate is not available through
promotional examinations, or through the reemployment list.
a. Prepare the
Examination announcement.
b. Administer the
c. Establish an
eligible list, as determined by the examination. 4.8
Removal of Names from Eligible Lists.
The Chief may remove the name of any person who has been
disqualified under Sub-Part 3.13 of these regulations. The name of any
person may also be removed if:
a. The person is appointed
from that list to a permanent position in the System.
b. The eligible candidate
fails to respond within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of
dispatch of an inquiry as to availability for employment; provided, that
his name may be restored for reasons deemed sufficient by the
c. In the case of
promotional lists, termination of services in the System
d. The eligible
voluntarily withdraws.
e. There is evidence
of physical or mental unfitness to perform the duties of the position, as
indicated by appropriate medical examination.
f. The eligible fails to
report for duty within the time prescribed by the selecting
g. The eligible is
found to be no longer qualified to perform the duties required of the
class of position. 4.9
Departmental Promotional Requests.
A management official, wishing to fill, by promotion, vacant
permanent position in his department or office, may request the Chief to
provide the name of the employee who shall be promoted. The Chief shall
identify and ascertain:
a. All employees of
that department with permanent appointments at lower pay-level positions
in the same or related position class series as the vacant
b. Which of those
employees meet the minimum qualification standards of the vacant
c. Their length of
service in the System. The
Chief shall then certify to the requesting management official the name of
the qualified FSM citizen with the highest performance rating and the
longest public service; if there is no qualified FSM citizen, then the
name of the qualified non-FSM citizen with the highest performance rating
and the longest public service shall be certified. If the management
official so wishes, in the original instance, he may request the Chief to
announce a promotional examination limited to that department. The Chief
shall make his determination in accordance with Sub-Part 3.7.
V CERTIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT 5.1 Certification of Eligibles. For the purpose
of filling vacancies in the System, department and office heads shall
request a list of eligibles from the Chief, unless they elect to fill a position by transfer or demotion.
Requests for eligibles shall be made on forms prescribed by the
Chief and shall clearly identify the position to be filled, including its
position number. The Chief shall respond to such request by certifying
from the appropriate eligible list the five (5) highest available
eligibles, or such lesser number as are available. No
person shall report to work nor receive a salary unless he has been
previously certified on an appropriate eligible list by the Chief or his
authorized representative, and selected by a department or office
head. 5.2
Selective Certification. Where the
Chief determines that a position has a special requirement which is not a
general qualification requirement for that class of position, he may
certify from the appropriate class eligible list those eligibles who meet
that specific requirement. 5.3
Permanent Positions. A position
which is established based on the continuing needs of the Government, and
which is authorized to last longer than one (1) year, shall be identified
as a permanent position. 5.4
Limited-Term Position. A position
that is authorized to last up to one (1) year shall be identified as a
limited-term position. 5.5
Other Positions. Positions which
are exempt from the System shall be clearly identified for record
purposes. 5.6
Permanent Appointments. An
employee who has been appointed to a permanent position and who has
satisfactorily completed his probationary period shall hold a permanent
appointment in the System and is entitled to the full benefits of these
Provisional Appointments. When
there is no appropriate eligible list, a management official such as a
department or office head may request the filling of a position by
provisional appointment. Such appointment shall be limited to a period of
ninety (90) days, pending the establishment of an eligible list. However,
the Chief may extend a provisional appointment for an additional ninety
(90) days if an examination fails to make available a qualified
eligible. All
persons receiving provisional appointment shall be required to meet the
minimum qualification requirement of the class of position to which
appointments are sought.
a. When a serious
emergency exists.
b. To prevent stoppage of
essential public business.
When it is not practicable to ascertain whether there is an eligible
list. Such an
emergency appointment period shall not exceed 10 working days, and may be
extended by the Chief if the department or office concerned so requests in
writing, when the cause is determined to be good and sufficient, and the
extension does not exceed twenty (20) additional working days. All persons
receiving emergency appointments shall be required to meet the minimum
qualification requirements of the class of position to which appointments
are sought. 5.9
Probationary Appointments. An
appointee, not a permanent employee of the System, appointed to a
permanent position from an eligible list resulting from an open
examination, shall serve a probationary period of one (1) year from the
beginning of his initial employment in the System before his probationary
appointment may be converted into a permanent appointment.
Promotion or Transfer. A regular
employed who is promoted or transferred to another position in the System
shall be required to serve a new probation period in his new position, but
he shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a member of the
System, except the right to appeal a case of removal from the new
position, as distinguished from dismissal from the System. In case
of such removal, the employee shall be reinstated in his former or in
another position in the same class without prejudice.
General. All positions subject to
the provisions of the State Public Service System Act shall be classified
in accordance with the approved State Position Classification
a. Position
Classification means the process by which positions in an organization are
identified according to their duties and responsibilities, like positions
segregated into groups called classes, and a systematic record made of the
classes found, and of the particular positions found of each
b. Class means one
position or a group of positions sufficiently similar in respect to their
duties, responsibilities, and authority that the same title may be used
with clarity to designate each position allocated to the class. The same
standard qualifications may be required of all incumbents, the same test
of fitness may be used to choose qualified employees, and the same
schedule of compensation may be applied with equity under the same or
substantially the same employment conditions; and sufficiently dissimilar
from any position or any other group of positions to warrant exclusion
from those groups of positions. The
class title assigned to a position in accordance with he Position
Classification Plan, shall be the official title and will be used for all
personnel, budgetary and financial purposes. In addition, the official
title should be used for all position organization charts.
c. Position means a
specific employment, whether occupied or vacant, consisting of a group of
all the current duties and responsibilities assigned by competent
authority and requiring the full or part-time employment of one
d. Position
Classification Plan means classes of positions arranged in a logical and
systematic order to reflect all of then kinds and levels of work utilized
in this System.
e. Management
Official means a person having power to make appointments or changes in
status of an employee in the System, or a delegate of such
f. Allocation means
the reassignment of a position to its appropriate class on the basis of
analysis of the duties and responsibilities of the
g. Reallocation
means the reassignment of a specific position or group of positions from
one class to another on the basis of analysis and identification of new or
different tasks.
h. Class
Specification means an official position classification plan document
describing the general characteristics of the class, including the
official class title, a description of the scope of duties and
responsibilities of the class, examples of work or typical duties,
performed, and a statement of the qualifications required to perform the
work of the class.
i. Occupational
Group means a major subdivision of a position classification plan,
generally embracing several series of classes of positions in associated
or related work specialties, professions, or related, activities (e.g.
Clerical and Machine Operation; Administrative, Management, and Allied;
Agriculture and Allied; etc., make up an occupational group).
j. Series of Classes
means classes closely related as to occupational specialty but differing
in level of difficulty and responsibility and qualifications required
(e.g., the three classes of Architect I, Architect II, and Architect III
makeup a series)
k. Position
Description means a formal, official written statement by management
documenting the assignment or arrangement of the duties and
responsibilities of a position.
a. The
classification of all positions, per assigned duties and
b. The grouping of
positions into classes on the basis of their similarities in duties,
responsibilities, and other significant factors.
c. Assigning a title
to each class which shall apply to all positions in the class and the
characteristics of each class and the standards for the employment in any
position in the class shall be prescribed by the Chief subsequent to
consultation with the appropriate management officials
d. The changing of a
position from one class to another where substantial changes have occurred
in the duties and responsibilities.
e. The determination
of the status of occupants of positions which have been changed from one
class to another.
f. Delegation of
responsibility, to the degree which he deems appropriate, to other
qualified personnel in the Personnel Division to identify positions at
certain levels with established classes of positions which have been
approved and allocated within the Classification Plan.
g. Periodic
inspection of actions taken by those persons delegated responsibility to
assure the propriety of such actions and to direct corrective action,
where appropriate.
h. Orientation to
supervisors and management officials at all levels in their responsibility
and role in the Position Classification Plan processes. a.
The planning, organizing, developing, and assigning of duties and
responsibilities to positions, whether occupied or vacant.
b. When making
assignments, giving consideration to the mission of the organization and
structuring positions for accomplishment of requirements in the most
effective and economical manner possible.
c. Assuring that
assigned duties and responsibilities do not duplicate or overlap with
those of other positions.
d. Assuring that the
current duties and responsibilities assigned to positions are completely
and accurately described in position descriptions in full and sufficient
detail for position classification and all related
e. Assuring the
development, preparation, maintenance, and submissions of factual
up-to-date functions, statements, and organization position charts which
clearly depict such information as assigned organizational
and/or supervisory responsibility, organizational segment identification,
employee names with official class titles and pay levels for the positions
to which assigned, the title and pay levels of vacant positions which are
funded and approved, and other similar essential details.
f. Assisting their
employees, to whatever extent necessary, to accomplish their foregoing and
to obtain information from authoritative sources, as necessary, to answer
specific questions as may be raised by their employees. 6.5
Effective Date. The effective date
for an initial allocation or reallocation of a position shall be the first
pay period following approval of such action by the Chief. Exceptions to
this rule may be made by the Chief only for such reasons as will expedite
public business and not result in an inequitable situation.
General. All positions subject too the provisions of
the State Public Service System Act, shall be compensated in accordance
with such laws and provisions of this Part. 7.2
Compensation plan. The classes in
the Position Classification Plan, when assigned to appropriate pay levels
of the Base Salary Schedule as established in the State Public Service
System Act of 1979, shall constitute the basic Compensation
Plan. The
Chief shall assign all classes in the Position Classification Plan to
appropriate pay levels in the Base Salary Schedule in accordance with the
a. Kind and level of
b. Degree of
difficulty and responsibility.
c. Kind, quality,
and level of qualification requirements.
d. Relationship to
other classes in its occupational group, and of its occupational group to
other occupational groups.
e. Long-range
recruitment market experience. 7.3
Definitions. In addition to those
definitions covered in the State Public Service System Act, and the State
Public Service Salary Act of 1979 the following definitions shall apply in
matters covered by this Part:
a. Salary range.
Means the group of salary rates which span from minimum to maximum
in each pay level of the Base Salary Schedule.
b. Step. A
single increment or rate in a salary range.
c. Service
Anniversary Date. The date an employee may lawfully be granted a
within-grade increase. Such date may be the anniversary date of initial
appointment, or such other day as may be established by the
Service Year. Satisfactory service rendered by an employee during a
prescribed work year of twelve (12) months; provided that unauthorized
periods of absence and leaves without pay of the authorized limit of ten
(10) days are made up so that a full year of actual service is
rendered. 7.4 Initial Appointments. All initial appointments
shall be made at the first step of the appropriate pay level; unless a
higher rate shall be necessary to recruit and is appropriate to the
qualifications of the applicant, in which case, appointment may be allowed
at succeeding steps but not beyond the fourth step. Anyone appointed
at a step other than the minimum step is also eligible under these
regulations for step increases in the same manner as other
employees. 7.5 Promotions. An employee who is promoted
form a position in one class to an existing position in a higher class
shall be compensated at te lowest step in the new pay level which at least
equals the amount of a two (2) step increase in the old pay level.
The effective date of the promotion shall be the new service
anniversary date for the promoted employee. 7.6 Detail. A detail is the temporary assignment of
an employee to a different position for a specified period, with the
employee returning to his regular position and duties at the end of the
detail. Technically, a position is not filled by a detail, as the
employee continues to be the incumbent of the position from which
detailed. Normally, whenever it is anticipated that the need for a detail
will exceed ninety (90) days, it is more appropriate to effect a temporary
promotion if the employee is qualified at the higher grade.
Individuals who do not meet the qualification standards of the
position to the higher grade cannot be temporarily promoted and,
therefore, must voluntarily agree to any period for which the detail
exceeds ninety (90) days. An employee may specifically also be
detailed to a set of duties, which must be described in a task list, when
the Government. s need for necessary or emergency services cannot be
obtained by other desirable or practical means. 7.7 Acting
Assignment. An "Acting Assignment" is the designation in
writing, that an employee will act for a period of up to thirty (30) days
in place of a supervisor. When the supervisor's absence exceeds the
initial thirty (30) day period, a new designation shall be made for an
additional thirty (30) days.
a. Procedures.
To request a merit increase, the supervisor will prepare a
memorandum which must include the following:
Statements descriptive of areas in, which the employee has performed
excellently, e.g., initiatives, judgement, quality, productivity, job
knowledge, and communications. For supervisory positions, such additional
factors as development of others, leadership, and job planning must be
Statements must clearly relate the foregoing with most important and
key duties and responsibilities within the employee's position. For
example, productivity in terms of volume could be critical in some
positions such as clerical work, but of little importance in teaching
positions. Also, it must be recognized that positions often contain a
variety of duties with some being less difficult or less responsible than
others. For obvious reason, a recommendation and request for a merit
increase cannot be based on these lower aspects of a
position. An
employee who has attained the top salary step of his pay level cannot be
accorded a merit increase, and other means should be sought to recognize
superior performance. The Incentive Awards Program is one means of
accomplishing this. An
employee receiving a merit increase will also receive his next
within-grade increase based on satisfactory performance and completion of
the prescribed waiting period since his last within-grade increase. This
thirty (30) day renewal of the "acting" assignment is repeated until the
supervisor returns (90) days, the employee shall be temporarily promoted
if he meets the qualification standards of the position. If the acting
assignment exceeds ninety (90) days and the employee does not meet the
qualifications standard of the position, the employee may temporarily
promote to an intermediated grade if one exists and he meets the
qualifications requirements, or if the employee does not meet the
qualifications standards of either the target grade or the intermediate
grade, he shall be compensated with two (2) steps in his current pay
level, but may not exceed the maximum step. In either case, the
return to his former salary (grade and step) at the end of the temporary
assignment will be done in the same manner as provided under Sub-Part
7.8. 7.8 Temporary Promotion. A temporary promotion
is utilized when it is anticipated that an employee will temporarily
occupy a position for a period in excess of three (3) months. An employee
can be temporarily promoted only if he meets the qualification standards
of the new position. The employee temporarily promoted, shall be
compensated at the step in the new pay level which is at least equal to an
increase of two steps at his current pay level. The employee must be
informed in advance and agree, in writing, that at the expiration of the
temporary promotion, he will he returned to the former salary (grade and
step) that he would be receiving had he remained in the former position.
No temporary promotion shall exceed a period of one (1)
year. 7.9 Demotion. An employee demoted, through no
fault of his own, to a position in a lower pay level, shall be compensated
at the rate which does not exceed his pay rate. Where his existing
rate exceeds the rate of the maximum step of the lower pay level, the
employee shall be compensated at such maximum step. An employee
demoted as a disciplinary measure shall have his compensation reduced to
the corresponding step of the lower pay level, and may, with the approval
of the Chief, be compensated at a lower step. An employee demoted
for non-disciplinary reasons, during a new probationary period, to the
class of position from which he was promoted, shall be compensated at the
pay level and step received immediately prior to his promotion, with
credit for the period of promotion. 7.10
Transfer. An employee who is transferred to a different
position at the same pay level shall receive no change in compensation.
A two (2) week notice period must be given the losing supervisor or
department prior to effecting a transfer. 7.11 Effect on Service Anniversary Date. An
employee's service anniversary date will not be affected by a detail,
"acting" assignment, temporary promotion, demotion (other than for
disciplinary reasons), or transfer action. A service anniversary
date will be changed, however, with the approval of the Chief or his
designee, to the effective date of a demotion for disciplinary
reasons. All
actions taken to the provisions of Sub-Parts 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8, 7.9, and
7.10 should be reported on a Personnel Action Form, or a Request for
Personal Action Form, as appropriate, and maintained as permanent records
in the Official Personnel Folder.
a. An employee whose
position is reallocated to a class assigned a higher pay level shall be
compensated at the lowest step in the higher pay level which at least
equals the amount of a one (1) step increase in the lower pay
b. An employee whose
position is reallocated to a class assigned a lower pay level shall be
compensated at that rate in such lower pay level shall be compensated at
that rate in such lower pay level which does not exceed his existing rate.
where the employee. s existing rate is beyond the maximum step of the
lower pay level, he shall be compensated at such maximum step of the lower
pay level. He shall receive any benefits due to any future changes
in salary rates.
c. An employee who is
retained in a reallocated position shall not have his Service Anniversary
Date changed following reallocation. 8. 2
Effective Date of Reallocation. A reallocation action
shall be effective on the first day of the pay period immediately
following approval by the chief. 8.3
Reassignment of a Class to a Different Pay level. Employees
occupying positions in a class which is reassigned to a different pay
level shall be compensated in the same manner as provided in Sub- Parts
8.1 (b.). There shall be no change in their service anniversary
dates. 8.4 Performance Increases.
When an employee. s performance, as measured through an
objective evaluation has met accepted standards of productivity during a
specified period, he may be granted a one-step increase in his base
salary. For an increase to step 2, 3, or 4, the required period is
one service year; for an increase to step 5, 6, or 7, the required period
is two service years. No employee may have a base salary above step
7 of his pay level. An employee assigned to part-time or
intermittent work who works not less than 40 hours a month will be
eligible for a performance increase only when the cumulative total of
hours worked since his initial appointment or since his last performance
been evaluated as meeting required standards.
a. Performance Procedures. An employee granted
a performance increase following completion of not less than the required
period of satisfactory service as defined above will be advanced to the
next higher step in the salary range for his pay level.
b. Responsibilities. The Chief is responsible
for administering and interpreting this Regulation, reminding management
officials of the service anniversary dated of their subordinated, and
processing performance increase personnel actions. Management
officials are responsible for verifying the information received from the
Personnel Division about the service anniversary dates of their employees
and for initiating performance increase Personnel Action Forms as
appropriate. The effective date of such Personnel Action shall be
granted with consideration for the quality of each employee. s service, as
shown by performance ratings and other evidence, and for the availability
of budgetary funds. All supervisors and all
Personnel Division staff have the continuing responsibility of ensuring
that every employee understands the standards and procedures which affect
his eligibility for a performance increase. The payroll Supervisor in the
Division of Finance, or its successor, is responsible for recording leave
and attendance dates and on the basis of such date, for providing the
Personnel Division with information by which it can ascertain the service
anniversary date of each employee. 8.5 Merit
Increase. Employees may be granted merit increases for sustained
superior performance over a period of one (1) year or more. No
employee may receive more than one merit increase in a twelve (12) month
period. A merit increase does not interrupt the minimum twelve (12)
month waiting period required to qualify for a within-grade
a. Procedures. To request a merit increase,
the supervisor will prepare a memorandum which must include the
Statements descriptive of areas in which the employee has performed
excellently, e.g., initiative, judgement, quality, productivity, job
knowledge, and communications. For supervisory positions, such
additional factors as development of others, leadership and job planning
must be described.
Statements must clearly relate the foregoing with most important and key
duties and responsibilities within the employee. s position. For
example, productivity in terms of volume could be critical in some
positions such as clerical work, but of little importance in teaching
positions. Also, it must be recognized that positions often contain
a variety of duties with some being less difficult or less responsible
than others. For obvious reasons, a recommendation and request
for a merit increase cannot be based on these lower aspects of a
position. An employee who has attained the
top salary step of his pay level cannot be accorded a merit increase, and
other means should be sought to recognize superior performance. The
Incentive Awards Program is one means of accomplishing
this. An employee receiving a merit
increase will also receive his next within-grade increase based on
satisfactory performance and completion of the prescribed waiting period
since his last within-grade increase.
b. Responsibilities. The employee's supervisor
is responsible for initiating and preparing. the request for a merit
increase. Required documentation consists of the memorandum of
justification (cited above) and a Personnel Action Form or a Request for
Personal Action, as appropriate, signed by the employee's supervisor and
his department head. The effective date of a merit increase shall be the
beginning of the pay period following its approval by the Chief or his
designee. All
employee's supervisors should remain aware that the primary purpose of a
merit increase is to recognize sustained supervisor performance only. It
is not to be used as a means or device to compensate an employee where a
supervisor has not been able to obtain a promotion for the employee, or
where the supervisor is of the opinion that the pay level of the position
is too low, or for any other reasons unrelated to excellence in the
performance of duties. The
Personnel Division is responsible for review of all requests for increases
for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with established requirements.
Inappropriate or improperly substantiated
requests will be returned to the initiating organization, without action,
for such corrective measures as may be deemed necessary. Properly
documented requests for merit increases will be forwarded
to the Chief for final review and approval. For
approved merit increase requests, the Personnel Division will assume
retention of all required documentation in official personnel files and
effect timely distribution of documentation to appropriate
organizations. 8.6 Overtime Compensation and
Control. Overtime compensation is granted when overtime
work is performed by eligible employees, in accordance with the overtime
provisions of the State Public Service System Act. Any eligible employee
who is directed to work in excess of forty (40) hours a week shall be paid
overtime at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times his basic
a. Purpose. To establish criteria for overtime
compensation payments for all eligible employees directed to work in
excess of the forty (40) hours of the regular scheduled
b. Scope. This regulation applies to all
employees who are in positions not exempted from the
c. Definitions.
Overtime. All work performed in
excess of the regular forty (40) hour workweek.
Regular Workweek. Consists within
the period of time commencing after 12:00 P.M. on Saturday, and ending at
12:00 P.M. on the following Sunday, of any scheduled five (5) consecutive
workdays consisting of eight (8) work hours each. For most employees, the
regular workweek is scheduled to commence on Monday, at 7:30 A. M., and
end on the following Friday, at 4:30 P. M., of each week.
Basic or Base Pay. The hourly rate
of compensation paid to an employee for the performance of assigned work
excluding all other types of payments such as differentials for Night
Work, Hazardous Work, Travel , Per diem, Transfer Allowance, and the
The Chief is responsible for the administration and interpretation of this
Management officials and supervisors are responsible for all required
approvals for overtime, control of overtime consistent with sound
management practices, and keeping their employees fully informed of all
details concerning overtime.
e. General.
Overtime work will be authorized and controlled in accordance with
the following:
It will be scheduled and approved in advance, except in unanticipated
Overtime must be requested by the immediate supervisor and approved by his
supervisor or the Department or Office Head.
Such overtime work is directed to a specific objective or goal which
cannot be accomplished during the regular workday, or postponed to the
following day or days. An employee who is required to work overtime for
less than two (2) hours is credited with a minimum of two (2) hours
overtime work.
Time lost due to absence without leave (AWOL) or leave without pay (LWOP)
will not be included in the total hours worked when calculating overtime
compensation. 8.7 Holiday Pay. An employee
who is required to work on a legal holiday shall be compensated at double
his adjusted base salary for all such hours worked. An employee who is
required to work for less than two hours on a holiday shall be credited
with a minimum of two hours holiday work. When a
legal holiday falls within the regularly scheduled workweek of an employee
who is on LWOP/AWOL status, such employee will not be compensated with
holiday pay.
The Payroll Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the employees are
properly paid in accordance with the time and attendance
Employees' supervisors are responsible for assuring complete and accurate
reporting of employees required to work on a legal
holiday. 8.8
Hazardous Work. All employees whose occupation
involves unusual and extreme hazards to health and safety shall be paid a
differential of twenty five (25) percent of their base salary rates but no
employee may receive pay differentials for both hazardous work and night
work to compensate the same hours worked.
a. Qualification
Criteria. To qualify for payment of a Hazardous Work Differential,
the following conditions of work must be met:
The conditions of unusual an extreme hazards to the employee's health and
safety must be clearly evident and fully defined;
The hazard, on which a request for payment of such differential might be
based, has not previously been recognized in the established level for the
class which covers the positions and work involved;
Exposure to the particular, unusual, and extreme hazard must constitute a
reasonable amount of time so as to be clearly recognizable. For
example, several repeated exposures to such a hazard may occur for a brief
period of time, but collectively measured over a period of time (e.g. one
day), may possibly provide a valid basis for recognition of the hazard.
Conversely, clear and sustained exposure to an unusual and extreme hazard
is more readily recognizable and measurable.
The chief is responsible
for the review and approval of all requests for payment of Hazardous Work
Department and Office
Heads must submit a written request to the Chief, with a full and detailed
explanation of the circumstances, in support of all requests for Hazardous
Work Differential. Each request must include a complete definition of the
hazard, a list of the name, correct official position title, pay level,
step, salary, organization, and the amount of time each employee will be
(or was) exposed to the particular hazard for which payment is sought. For
each request approved, concerned departments will prepare a Request for
Personal Action Form with all required date for each employee involved and
cite or attach the authority for payment of the Hazardous Work
Differential. The Chief will review and approve each such request for the
propriety of the action and the completeness and accuracy of all pertinent
information. The Payroll Supervisor will be responsible for effecting the
required payment after verifying appropriate
Occasional special
projects which involved unusual and extreme hazards, such as the loading,
unloading, and transporting of significant quantities of dangerous
explosives, may require the services of a number of employees normally
engaged in other work. 8.9 Night
Work. Additional compensation in the form of a Night Work
Differential of fifteen (15) percent of base salary rate is paid for all
hours worked between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., when such hours are included
within regularly scheduled hours of duty; but no employee may receive pay
differentials for both night work and hazardous work to compensate the
same hours worked.
a. Control Criteria.
To be eligible to receive payment for Night Work Differential, the
following criteria must be met:
Payment will be made only for actual hours worked between 7:00 p.m.
and 6:00 a.m.;
An employee is required to perform work during the hours of 7:00
p.m. and 6:00 a.m. which is not a part of his regularly scheduled hours of
place employees on scheduled hours of Night Work duty, a Request for
Personnel Action shall be initiated and approved by the immediate or next
higher-level supervisor and approved by the head of the Department or
Office. The
supervisor is responsible for preparing and submitting complete work
schedules covering each employee regularly scheduled for work hours
falling between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The
Personnel Division will review the propriety of, and act on each request
for, placing the position involved on a regularly scheduled night work
duty status. The
Payroll Section will be responsible for monitoring Time and Attendance
Reports submitted by departments or agencies to ensure the propriety of
payment of Night Work Differential. Supervisors shall prepare and submit
replacement night work duty schedules for employees, as the need arises,
and shall initiate a Request for Personnel Action to remove employees from
night work status when such is no longer justified. 8.10
Standby Differential. All
employees whose conditions of work or employment involve all of the
following criteria shall be entitled to receive a Standby Differential of
twenty (20) percent of base salary rate.
a. Qualification
Criteria. To qualify for entitlement to receive a Standby
Differential of twenty (20) percent of base salary rate, all of the
following conditions of work or employment must be met:
The nature of the position or occupation is such that employees are
required to remain on call in a standby duty status which must be
performed at their designated work station or location.
Hours of standby duty must be for a regularly scheduled period of time in
excess of a normal forty (40) hour workweek. The minimum scheduled standby
duty tour shall consist of not less than eight (8) hours per
Employees assigned to work regularly scheduled hours of standby duty must
be regularly and frequently called upon to perform the assigned duties or
services while on standby.
Employees being paid Standby Differential are not eligible to receive
payment for Night Work Differential, Holiday Pay, or Overtime Pay for any
work performance while serving a scheduled standby. Overtime compensation
will be paid, however, for all hours worked in addition to the normal
forty (40) hour workweek and any hours beyond regularly scheduled standby
b. Responsibilities.
To place employees on scheduled standby duty, a Personal Action Form
or Request for Personnel Action, are applicable, shall be initiated and
approved by the immediate or next-higher level supervisor and approved by
the Department or Office Head. In situations where the establishment of
standby duty tour are considered which fail to meet all the qualification
criteria above, supervisors should consider the possible rate of
occasional overtime to cover situations of sporadic or infrequent
Supervisors of employees placed on scheduled tours of
standby duty are responsible for preparing and submitting complete standby
duty schedules which identify each employee involved and the standby duty
hours scheduled. Copies of these schedules shall be forwarded, through
appropriate channels, for review by the Chief. The
Personnel Division reviews all forms for the propriety of placing the
position involved on a standby duty status. The
Payroll Section is responsible for monitoring all Time and Attendance
Reports submitted by responsible officials to ensure the propriety of
payment of standby differential to each eligible employee.
Functional divisions are responsible for preparing and
submitting replacement standby schedules for employees, as the need
arises, and for initiating a Personal Action Form or a Request for
Personnel Action Form to remove employees from standby status when such
requirement is no longer justified. (NOTE:
In no case may an employees receive payment for combined Standby, Night
Work, or Hazardous Duty in excess of thirty (30) percent of the current
basic salary rate.) 8.11
Transfer Allowance. Per Diem. When employees are recruited or
transferred beyond normal commuting distances from their place of
permanent residence for work elsewhere in the State, they shall be
entitled to (1) per diem at established rates
at the new location for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days
from the date of entrance in the new position; (2) necessary expenses
connected with travel of themselves and their immediate families; and
transportation of household effects to the new work
a. Purpose.
Payment of Transfer Allowance per diem
occurs above and beyond travel per diem in
effect during actual travel status up to the day of arrival at the new
duty station. Commencing from the day of arrival at the new duty station,
these funds are provided to effect the transfer without undue economic
impact on personal funds or savings.
b. Application of
Transfer Allowance. The following schedule provides for uniform
application and interpretation of that reference within the State Public
Service System Act, which reads: ". . . per
diem . . . not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days . . ." for all
eligible employees as prescribed within this regulation:
Schedule of Transfer
Allowance--Per Diem Employee
of Calendar Days
Diems to be Paid at
Category Status
I. Employee
Without Dependents
3 days
II. Employee and
one Dependent
6 days
III. Employee and
two to three Dependents 12 days
IV. Employee and four
to five Dependents 18
V. Employee and
six or more Dependents 21
days c.
Controls and Procedures. Payment of the per diem, as appropriate, will be calculated from
the date of the employees arrival at the new location of assignment. All
per diem will be calculated at established
rates for the new location. If an
employee in Category I, II, III, IV, or V elects to travel without all of
his dependents accompanying him at the time of his transfer, he shall be
paid in the appropriate Employee Category based on the actual number of
dependents who did accompany him. If additional dependents perform
subsequent travel and join the employee within one (1) year of the date of
arrival at the new location of assignment (and this increases the total
number of his dependents so as to justify placement in a higher Employee
Category and payment of an additional amount of Transfer Allowance Per Diem, adjustment and additional payment will
be made. To qualify for additional payment based on the increased number
of dependents joining the employee at a later date than his reporting
date, such additional dependents must have been dependents of the employee
at the time of recruitment or transfer.
Adjustment for an increased amount of Transfer Allowance
occasioned by additional dependents joining the employee after one (1)
year from the date of his arrival at his new location of assignment, will
be made only in unusual cases where it can be substantiated that such
additional dependents could not have joined the employee earlier because
of reasons of extreme hardship, health, completion of a school term, or
similar reasons which provide clear evidence that earlier travel was
For purposes of this regulation, "dependents" are restricted to
include only the following:
(i) Dependent
father of employee or spouse.
(ii) Dependent
mother of employee or spouse.
(iii) All dependent
unmarried children under age 21, including stepchildren, as well as
legally adopted children.
(iv) All dependent
unmarried children (no age restriction) who, because of physical or mental
incapacity, are incapable of supporting themselves. A
Travel authorization, prepared by the Personnel Division to effect the
transfer of personnel, will indicate in the appropriate section: "Transfer
Allowance Authorized". Upon arrival at the duty station, the employee is
required to submit a Travel Voucher. This voucher shall include a claim
for Transfer Allowance with a statement as follows:
Employee arrived at duty station on (1) ____________
with the following dependents: (2) ____________ . Verified correct: (3)
_____________. (1)
Date of Arrival.
(2) List dependents by name and birth date as
indicated on the Travel Authorization (TA) who actually arrived at the
duty station with the employee.
(3) Signature of the Department or Office Head for
employees, as applicable, to indicate verification of information on the
Travel Voucher (TV). The TV
is submitted to the Personnel Division for approval. The Finance and
Revenue Division computes the voucher for payment. All calculations for
the TA will be based on the established per dies rate in effect for the
new location as of the date the employee arrived at his location of
assignment. When an
employee is not accompanied at the time of gravel to his work assignment
by his dependents, he may later file for an increased amount under the
conditions of the preceding second paragraph of this Sub-Part (c.),
Controls and Procedures. Travel Vouchers submitted for an increased amount
will be identified as a "Supplemental Claim" at the top center of the TV
and be submitted in accordance with the procedures outlined above. If
necessary, requests for amended TAs should be directed to the Personnel
d. The full amount
of Transfer-Allowance according to the schedule of Transfer allowance, is
On the occasion of initial transfer which, in accordance with the
Transportation Employment Agreement is for a period of two (2) years. This
occurs when an employee is recruited from his permanent place of residence
or from another area or location geographically removed and beyond the
normal commuting distance from the location of work
Each time an employee fulfills at least one (1) full year of the two (2)
year Transportation Agreement following which the employee is again
transferred to a new location of assignment beyond the normal commuting
distance from the employee's place of permanent residence.
Note: Payment of Transfer Allowance under (1) or (2) above, is made only
when the recruitment or transfer action is initiated by the State
e. Transfer
Allowance is not payable when a person who, for personal and voluntary
reasons, has left his permanent place of residence, and who subsequently
seeks employment at the location where he happens to be, and who then
becomes employed at that same location. This situation is considered
to be the same as local hire.
f. Exemption. In addition to exceptions under the
State Public Service System Act authority is vested in the Chief for
determining the applicability of this Sub-Part to specific position
not expressly covered by the Act. The following positions and types of
appointments have been determined not covered by the Transfer Allowance
(1) Special
employment of "rotating doctors" employed for short periods of time
ranging from two (2) to four (4) months.
(2) Positions
of Construction Project Superintendent for which prime contract expatriate
personnel are employed for period of not less than six (6) months
where such appointments
are covered by a Special Employment Agreement and Special Conditions of
Employment. The nature of work and potential frequency of transfer are
recognized in the basic compensation accorded these
positions. (3)
All personnel employed on a "Local Hire" basis, whether covered by an
employment agreement or not. Includes: Micronesian citizens; United States
(U.S.) citizens; U.S. Nationals: and non-citizen permanent residents of
the U.S.; and citizens of another country.
(4) All
positions and appointments of a temporary nature such as:
Temporary ninety (90) day appointments, which may be extended for an
additional one hundred eighty, (19th) days--- not to exceed a total of two
hundred seventy (2.70) days--to positions created for relief, repair and
rehabilitation as a result of a disaster. (ii)
Provisional ninety (90) day appointments, which may be extended for
an additional ninety (90 days, to positions pending establishment of an
eligible list of
persons from which
selection may be made. In the event provisional appointee obtains a
probationary appointment and is otherwise qualified, such an individual
shall be eligible for Transfer Allowance on the
date when probationary status is secured.
(iii) Emergency appointments to positions not to exceed ten (10)
working days, which may be extended for an additional period not to exceed
twenty (20) working days, for any temporary, serious emergency, in order
to prevent the stoppage of essential public services.
Purpose. The performance
evaluation system is designated primarily for the purpose of appraising
each employee how well he is discharging his duties and responsibilities,
and of indicating where in his performance knowledge, skill, and
abilities. It provides a means for letting the employee know where he
stands with the organization. 9.2 Coverage. Every employee shall participate,
with his supervisor, in periodic evaluation of the employee's achievement
of established standards of performance. Every permanent and probationary
employee covered by these regulations shall receive an annual written
rating of performance. 9.3 Responsibilities. Each head of a department
or office shall ensure preparation, on forms prescribed by the Chief, for
each employee under his jurisdiction, standards of performance which
relate specifically to that employee's assignment. Arrangements shall be
made for the employee's immediate supervisor and the employee to work
together to develop realistic original standards of performance, in terms
of what the employee's job demands are and the level of results to be
achieved; and for the employee's immediate supervisor, together with other
concerned supervisors if this appears desirable, and the employee, in
conference, in terms of the standards established, and to mutually revise
his performance standards upon review of his development in the job. Where
improvement in the employee's performance is desired, the supervisor must
explain to the employee how such improvement is to be
Annually, based on the
preceding twelve months' performance standards, reviews, and other
pertinent factors, an annual written rating of performance shall be
submitted by the supervisor, and concurred with by the activity head on
forms prescribed by the Chief, for each permanent and probationary
employee. The Chief shall, through his authorized representative, administer the performance evaluation
system and shall be alert to changes needed for improvement of such
IX, page one 9.4
Due Dates. Original Standards
of performance shall be developed as a major factor in an employee's
orientation to a new job. Performance standards review and revision
conferences shall be held, as the work relationship requires, but with a
minimum frequency of at least quarterly.
Permanent employees shall be given written performance
ratings annually on their service anniversary dates. Annual written
performance ratings shall be submitted to the Chief no later than the end
of the pay period proceeding the service anniversary date. Employees
serving probationary periods shall be given a written performance rating
at the end of each three-month increment of their
probationary periods, except that the final rating shall be submitted no
later than one (1) month prior to completion of their period of probation
for probationary employees, and two (2) weeks before completion of their
period of probation for permanent employees. When ratings are not received
within the time limits required by this Chapter, the employee
involved shall be presumed to have been rated "Satisfactory" by his
supervisor, with the concurrences activity head, until a different rating
is received. 9.5
Categories of Ratings.
Performance ratings shall be "Less than Satisfactory,"
"Satisfactory," and "Exceptional." Such ratings shall be based on rating
standards established and defined by the Chief and explained to the
employee by his immediate supervisor. Ratings of "Exceptional" or "Less
than Satisfactory" shall be accompanied by a written. statement giving a
full explanation of such rating and shall. be concurred with by the
activity head. Employees rated "Less than Satisfactory" shall be
counselled and warned that lack of improvement may result in an adverse
action. 9.6
Impact of Ratings. Annual
written performance ratings are the basis for granting or withholding
annual step increases. Employees rated "Satisfactory" or "Exceptional
shall be eligible for a step increase within their pay level. Those rated
"Less than Satisfactory" shall not be eligible for a step increase,
provided that if the employee concerned brings his performance
up to standards, he then shall be eligible for a step increase within his
pay level, but such increase shall not be changed
accordingly. Annual written
performance ratings serve also as one factor in selection for promotion,
in determining retention status in cases of RIF, for reviewing
justification for authorizing a merit increase, and in adverse actions;
and may be a consideration when evaluating a Superior Performance Award
request. 9.7
Review. Employees who
believe their ratings are un just shall be entitled to a review under the
Grievance Procedure.
Purpose. Leaves of
absence from the public service are for the mutual benefit of the employee
and his employer. When leaves of absence are granted, they are considered
to be for legitimate reasons not detrimental to the public
a. Annual. Annual leave for vacation, shall be
granted for the purpose of rest and relaxation. FSM citizen employees who
have less than three (3) years of creditable service shall earn annual
leave at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period; except that
newly-appointed employees shall undergo a waiting period of ninety (90)
calendar days before being credited with annual leave. Employees with more
than three (3) but less than ten (10) years of creditable service shall
earn annual leave at the rate of six (b) hours per pay period. Employees
who have ten (10 or more years of creditable service shall earn annul
leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per pay period. Annual leave requests
of more than three (3) working days must be made in advance on a leave
request form. All annual leave requests must be approved by the employee's
division head upon recommendation of such employee's immediate supervisor.
In smaller organization where divisions may not exist, the head of such
organization shall approve annual leave.
b. Maximum Accumulation. The maximum accumulation of
annual leave for FSM citizen employees shall be three hundred and sixty
(360) hours. Thereafter, any excess over such maximum shall be forfeited
unless taken before the end of the calendar year in which such excess was
c. Sick Leave. All employees shall earn sick leave
at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period. There shall be no limit to
the amount of sick leave which may be accumulated. Illnesses of more
than three (3) days duration shall require a certificate from qualified
medical personnel certifying to the fact of such illness and the
treatment being administered 'The supervisor may require a certificate for
shorter periods When use of such leave is chronic and excessive. The
employees immediate supervisor is responsible for approving such leave
requests. Former employees of the public service-who are rehired within
three (3) years after their termination shall be credited with the unused
sick leave accumulated during their previous employment.
d. Leave Advance. Where, for good reason, an
employee requires additional annual or sick leave, the Chief may grant
advance leave up to a maximum of one-half of the total earnable leave credits for one (1) year
from the date the application is made. Subsequent earnings shall serve to
replace the amount of advance leave granted and taken. e.
Training and Education Leave.
Leaves for the purpose of job-related training and education may be
granted permanent employees for a period not to exceed one (1) year by the
Chief. The Governor may extend this period. Additional such leaves may not
be granted the same employee until and unless he performs in his position
for at least one (1) year following expiration of the first leave. The
period of leave shall not affect the employee's service anniversary
f. Compassionate Leave. Permanent employees
may be granted compassionate leave with pay of no more than five (5)
working days in cases of death, or imminent death, in the immediate family
of the employee. For the purpose of this Sub-part, the term "immediate
family" shall include the following members: employee's mother, father,
spouse, immediate offspring (natural or legally adopted), brother or
sister, and grandfather or grandmother and the spouse's immediate family.
The department or office head is responsible for approving compassionate
leave requests.
g. Excused Absence (Administrative Leave). An
absence from duty, administratively authorized, without loss of pay and
without charge to leave, is an excused absence. Such absences are
authorized under emergency conditions beyond the control of management
(e.g. typhoons), for participation in civic activities in the interests of
the Government, or for employment-connected examinations. The Department
or Office Head is responsible for approving excused absence
a. Maternity and Paternity Leave. Employees who are
permanent employees may be granted leaves of absence without pay for
reasons of maternity for a period of not more than six (6) months. Upon
completion of such leaves, such employees are entitled to return to their
positions with full rights and privileges, except that the period of leave
shall serve to change the employee's service anniversary date by the
length of time between the effective date of the leave and the date the
employee returned to duty. The employee's immediate supervisor is
responsible for approving such leave requests.
b. Training and Education Leave. Permanent FSM
citizen employees who are ineligible to further training or education
leaves with pay, are provided for under Sub-Part 10.3 (e.), or who wish to
pursue their education on a fulltime basis without financial assistance by
the Government may be granted leaves of absence without pay for a period
not to exceed one year. Such employees shall have the right to return to
their positions at the conclusion of their education or training, and
their service anniversary dates shall be adjusted by the amount of leave
without pay taken. The Chief is responsible for approving requests for
Training and Education Leave.
c. Annual (Vacation) or Sick Leave. With the
concurrence of his department head, a permanent employee may be granted
leave without pay for the purpose of extending his vacation; provided,
however, that such extension shall not exceed a period of ten (10) working
days. Extensions may be granted for sick leave purposes; provided,
however, that the attending physician certifies to the necessity for the
d. Other. Leaves of absence without pay may be
granted for such other reasons as management officials my deem proper and
consistent with the best interests of the system. 10.5 Unauthorized Leave. Unauthorized leave (AWOL) is
absence from duty without appropriate authorization. Employees who are
absent from duty without prior approval, except in bona fide emergencies,
shall be charged AWOL. Employees on AWOL are subject to disciplinary
action and loss of pay. 10.6 Responsibilities. The employee shall be
responsible for initiating his request for leave using such forms,
documentation, and explanatory material as may be required. He shall
initiate such request sufficiently in advance, wherever possible, so as to
enable management to make the necessary staff adjustments for coverage of
the employee's assignment during his absence. Management shall be responsible
for reviewing all requests in light of program needs, replacement
services, and legal and policy requirements. In consideration of the
foregoing and any other pertinent considerations, management may approve,
disapprove, or arrange modifications of leave requests. The Chief shall provide advice
and assistance and make final decisions in cases requiring interpretation
of policy.
XI TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 11.1 Policy. The Chief shall be responsible for
defining policy requirements of developing the System's work force; to
determine long range goals to be met within all job categories in
existence with the System; to set standards to be met by employees within
the System for all types of promotions and career development; to evaluate
all training programs and recommend alternatives to aid in the over all
direction of state-wide manpower development programs in the System to
accomplish their objectives; to insure that proper coordination is
maintained with the Departments of Education, and Resources and
Development, so that manpower development in the System is in concert with
development in the private sector and to insure that education services
available within the State are fully utilized. 11.2
Definitions. For the purpose of
this Chapter, three categories of training may be distinguished: job skill
training, promotional training, and employee development.
a. Job Skill
Training. The type of training in which the primary purpose may be: (1) to
improve an employee's performance in the position in which he is currently
employed; (2) to prepare an employee to move laterally in the same or
related classes of positions.
b. Promotional
Training. The type of training which an employee undergoes in order that
he may be able to perform with average efficiency the minimum tasks
required fn the new position for which he is being
c. Employee
Development. This type of training is offered to an employee to broaden
his background or broaden his perspectives in his own, or related
occupational areas.
a. It is the
responsibility of each department and office head to implement all
training programs, at all levels, in their organizations to insure that
training objectives are met. In keeping with this function,
each department and office must submit plans to implement their training
objectives within their functions, to the Chief, to include what they have
determine to be their immediate priorities within the overall state
objectives and the needs of their areas. Each department and office
head is responsible for budgeting adequate funds for training of
employees. The department and office heads are responsible for maintaining
training units within the framework of training approved by the Chief, and
the report the nature, content, and results of such training activities as
in-service training to the Chief; to facilitate overall coordination of
manpower development throughout the State; and to insure that active and
effective in-service training programs are carried out with the
cooperation of all departments and offices.
b. The Chief is
responsible for the overall guidance and supervision of training programs,
to insure career mobility and development within the System. This function
shall include the authority to certify the pertinency of training program;
to certify the minimum training requirements for mobility in the work
force and to insure the balanced development of all training programs.
c. The Personnel Division
is responsible for advising and providing staff assistance to all
supervisors and management officials in the conduct of their employee
development responsibility including the following:
Identifying training needs and development of training
Locating and determining costs of training resources within and outside
the State and to evaluate such training.
Maintaining current employee training records of all
Formulating standards for selection of trainees and
Coordinating plans and programs for necessary training of employees, such
as in-service training programs to provide managerial, supervisory,
secretarial, clerical skills, and trades skills, and
Coordinating all training with the department and office heads to avoid
duplication of effort, and to insure a balance development of
Improving the quality of training through evaluation of course content,
securing evaluations of supervisors, and employees, and by
d. First-Line
Supervisors. In carrying out the training objectives of their program
areas, first-line supervisors are to perform supportive functions such as,
but not limited to the following: planning for employee release time when
such is needed for formal classroom instruction; informing trainees of the
content of their training program, their objectives and benefits, and
their responsibility to absorb and use the instructions provided for them;
motivating the employees to engage in self-improvement activities leading
to improved performance and possible promotions and for providing their
immediate supervisors with information regarding all aspects of training
program in which their subordinates are participating.
a. Employees
released to attend authorized job-related training and developmental
programs will receive any combination of basic salary, travel expenses
when required, and per diem or stipend as applicable to the training
itself. Training provided as a part of a planned upgrading program, such
as management internship, is job-related within the meaning of this
b. It shall be
the policy of the Government to pay all costs for training defined as
job-skill training under Sub-Part 11.2; to pay one-half of all costs of
training defined as promotional training; and one-fourth of all costs of
training defined as employee development.
c. Employees
attending education or training programs designed to generally improve
their potential for advancement, but not specifically related to their
present duties or duties they are specifically being trained to assume,
may be released on training and education leave and shall enter into
cost-sharing agreements with their departments with the approval of the
Chief. 11.5 Evaluation of Training. The Personnel Division
will develop and maintain a system which will provide information
and analysis of the effectiveness of training provided. Such
analysis will be used to alter training courses where needed and in
training needs surveys. All personnel who attend and return from
training courses outside the State will be required to submit a written
report including a summary of the course, along with a judgement of the
added value gained from the course . Copies of such reports will be
addressed to the department or office head and the Chief.
Purpose of Program. The State
Public Service Incentive Awards Program is established for the purpose of
improving Government operations and recognizing employees through the
medium of incentive awards. The awards under this program are
a. To encourage employees
to participate in improving the efficiency and economy of Government
b. To recognize and reward
employees who perform special acts or services in the public interest in
connection with or related to their employment. 12.2 Stimulating Participation. To obtain maximum
value from the program, it is necessary that department and office heads
emphasize to supervisors and employees, the importance of employee
participation in improving Government operations. Motivating employees toward
improved job performance and concern for effective government is a basic
responsibility of all managers and supervisors. 12.3 Contribution and Award Categories. An employee's
contribution, to be considered for an Incentive Award, must be identified
with one of the following categories:
a. Suggestion
b. Superior
Performance Award
c. Special Act or
Service Award
d. Honorary
Awards. 12.4 Suggestion Award. This is for an idea submitted
by an employee and adopted for use by the Government. Awards of this kind
are made only when the employee's suggestion directly contributes to
economy or efficiency or directly increases effectiveness in carrying nut
Government programs or missions. Awards are made in the form of a cash
lump sum payment. 12.5 Superior Performance Award. This is for
performance exceeding job requirements, and involving a contribution so
superior or meritorious as to warrant special recognition. To be
eligible for superior performance awards, the employee must meet the
following three criteria:
a. Performance of one or more important job functions in a manner
that substantially exceeds normal requirements so that, when viewed as a
whole, the work performance is of a high degree of
b. Performance that exceeds the normal or typical. c.
Performance that does not meet all the requirements of a quality increase,
but does significantly exceed job requirements in one or more
important job functions, may be considered for a lump sum award for
superior performance. 12.6 Special Act or Service Award. This is an award
granted for performance which has involved overcoming unusual
difficulties, or exemplary or courageous handling, of an emergency
situation related to official employment. Awards in this category are made
in the form of a lump sum payment. 12.7
Honorary Awards. When
appropriate, an Honorary Award may be granted in recognition of an
employee's contribution. The Honorary Award may be in addition to a cash
award. For example, an Honorary Award is particularly appropriate in
recognition of continued distinguished service, a singular achievement, or
an act of personal heroism. It may be granted independently of, or as a
supplement to a cash award; it is designed to select and bestow singular
honor as an official recognition of achievement and as an incentive to
further accomplishments. 12.8 Documentation. Employee suggestions must be
submitted in writing on a State Suggestion Form and requests for
performance awards and special acts or service awards must be submitted in
writing by supervisors on a State Incentive Awards Form to the State
Incentive Awards Committee for State employees. Statements of
justification should be brief and factual, emphasize results achieved
which are beyond normal job requirements and identify measurable
benefits to the Government. Final determination of awards under this
section will be made by the State Incentive Awards
Committee. 12.9
Incentive Awards Committee. The Governor shall appoint six
(6) members to the State Incentive Awards Committee. Employee suggestions,
Superior Performance Awards, and Special Act or Service Award nominations
will be reviewed and evaluated at monthly meetings of not less
four (4) members of the
Committee. 12.10 Award Scale. Cash awards, under this section,
will be determined by the State Incentive Awards Committee. No single
award shall exceed $500.00. The amount of the award shall be based on the
significance of the justification for the award.
Employee Coverage. The
Public Service Grievance System covers all State Public Service System
employees. 13.2 Grievance Coverage. The Grievance System will
cover any matter of concern or dissatisfaction to an eligible employee
except the following: a. An adverse action appealable
under Chapter 10. b. A fitness-for-duty
examination. c. The content of published
Government policy. d.
Non-selection for appointment, promotion, or reassignment from a group of
properly ranked and certified candidates. e.
Disapproval of a merit increase, performance award, or other kind of
discretionary award. 13.3 By
Whom Presented. A grievance may be presented by an individual employee
or a group of employees acting jointly. For the purpose of this Part, the
word "employee" shall be understood to refer also to a group of employees
acting jointly. An employee has the right to be assisted by representative
of his choice in submitting grievance.
a. A grievance may
be presented either orally or in writing. An employee may present a
grievance concerning a continuing practice or condition at any time. If
this grievance is related to a particular act or occurrence, he must
present it within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of that act or
occurrence on the date when he became aware of it.
b. An employee shall
ordinarily present a grievance first to-his immediate supervisor. If the
employee believes that he has a valid reason for not taking the grievance
to his immediate supervisor, or if his immediate supervisor so,
authorizes, he may submit his grievance to a supervisory or management
official of higher rank than the employee's immediate
If the employee believes that he
has a valid reason for not taking the grievance to any official in his
agency, or if his grievance is not settled to his satisfaction by
officials in his agency, he shall submit his grievance to the Chief, or
his designee. The action of the Chief shall be final, unless the Chief
himself authorizes referral of the grievance to another
official. 13.5
Obligations of Supervisors and
Management Officials. Supervisors and other management officials have
an obligation to accept an employees grievance and to act promptly,
fairly, and in good faith in the issue or issues presented in the
grievance. They also have the obligation to abstain from any restraint,
interference, or reprisal against employees and their representatives who
are exercising the right to present grievances. It is not enough for an
official to abstain from overt threats or interference. He must also
refrain from making any statement or taking any action that has the
appearance of a threat, interference, or intimidation. CHAPTER
Definition. For the purposes of this chapter, "minor disciplinary
actions. means oral admonitions, written reprimand, and suspensions for no
more than three (3) working days.
14.2 Oral
Admonition. An oral admonition may be directed to an employee by his
immediate supervisor or by a supervisor of higher rank, except as the
responsible management official may restrict this authority. Oral
admonitions need not be reported to the Personnel Division.
14.3 Written Reprimand. A written reprimand may be
addressed to an employee by his immediate supervisor, or by a supervisor
of higher rank, except as the responsible management official may restrict
his authority. Written reprimand shall be subject to the following
a. The language of
the written reprimand must make clear the nature of the offense for which
the employee is being reprimanded.
b. A copy of the
written reprimand will be sent through the responsible management official
and to the Personnel Division.
c. The Personnel
Division will retain the reprimand in the employee's Personnel Folder for
a period of not to exceed one (1) year from its date. If during the one
year period, the employee becomes subject to another minor disciplinary
action (except an oral admonition) or to an adverse action, the reprimand
shall be retained in the employee's Personnel Folder for a period of one
year from the date of such subsequent action. While the reprimand is
included in the Personnel Folder, it shall be taken into consideration in
connection with performance evaluation, performance (within-grade)
increases, promotions, and action purposes.
d. Upon expiration
of the one-year period described in (c) above, the reprimand shall have no
further force or effect for any purpose and shall be discarded from the
Personnel Folder.
e. At any time
before the expiration of the one year period described in (c), the
responsible management official may request the Personnel Division to
discard the reprimand from the employee's Personnel Folder. The Chief
shall carry out this request if he thinks that the best interests of the
System will benefit thereby. 14.4 Suspension for No More than Three Working Days.
All suspensions, regardless of their duration, will be initiated by the
submission of a Request for Personnel Action, which will state the reason
why the suspension is being effected. A copy of the respective Personnel
Action Form, like ail other personnel action forms relating to a
particular employee, shall be permanently included in the employee's
Personnel Folder as a part of his official record. 14.5 Recourse. An employee who has been made subject
to a minor disciplinary action and who is not in conformity therewith, may
have recourse to the grievance procedure described in Chapter
XV ADVERSE ACTIONS 15.1 Actions Covered. This part applies to
disciplinary actions of dismissal, demotion for disciplinary reasons, and
suspension for disciplinary reasons. Also included in this chapter
is non-disciplinary suspension action pending an investigation or hearing
of a charge against an employee. 15.2 Authority to Take Adverse Action. The
authority to effect adverse actions has been granted to management
officials by Sections has been granted to management officials by sections
25 (1) and 25(2) of the State Public Service System Act. For this
purpose, management officials shall include the Governor, the Lieutenant
Governor, the Chief Justice, all heads of departments, offices, and
agencies. These persons may delegate, in writing, authority to
effect adverse actions to Division Head. The authority to effect adverse
actions may not be further delegated or redelegated. Throughout this
Chapter the term . management official. will refer only to an individual
who is specifically granted authority by this part to effect adverse
actions. 15.3 Employee Coverage. This part applies to all
permanent employees of the State Government not exempt under the State
Public Service System Act. 15.4 Merit
of Adverse Actions. An adverse action way be taken against an employee
covered by this part except for such cause as will promote the efficiency
of the System. No adverse action shall be taken until all available facts,
including whenever practicable the employee's explanation, have been
considered. 15.5 Procedures for Taking Adverse Actions. The
management officials must observe certain procedural requirements when
processing an adverse action covered by this part. These procedural
requirements are as follow:
a. The management official
must give the employee at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of
the proposed action by means of a written proposal.
b. The letter of
proposal to take adverse action must state any and all reasons for the
proposed action specifically, and in detail including names and
c. The management
official must assemble, and make available to the employee for his review,
all the material relied on to support the reasons for the adverse
d. The management
official must allow the employee a reasonable amount of official time in
which to secure evidence in his behalf and to prepare his defense to the
proposed adverse action.
e. The management
official must allow the employee a reasonable amount of official time in
which to answer orally and/or in writing and to present documents and the
testimony of witnesses in his behalf at a time and place, and before the
management official or his authorized designee as is set out in the letter
of proposal. The date for the answer or presentation by the employee must
be within fifteen (15) calendar days after the delivery of the letter of
proposal. The employee may be represented by an attorney or other advisor
or representative at this presentation of evidence in opposition to the
proposed action. The employee's right to reply to the letter of proposed
adverse action is separate and distinct from his right to appeal and his
right to a hearing before the Ad Hoc Committee.
f. If at all
practicable, the employee must be kept on active duty in his regular
position during the notice period. However, in an emergency, the employee
may be reassigned during the advance notice period, or, with the
employee's consent, he may be carried on appropriate
g. The management
official who receives the employee's answer or presentation of evidence
must give the employee a written decision within five (5) calendar days
after the receipt of the employee's answer or presentation of evidence if
no such answer or presentation is made, within five (5) days after the
date such answer or presentation was due. The decision must state which of
the reasons in the letter of proposal, if any, have been found
substantiated. The decision may be the imposition of the proposed action,
may be a less severe action, or may find no action
h. If the decision
is for suspension for more than three (3) working days or is dismissal or
demotion,the employee must be informed in the decision letter of his
rights, within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of decision, to
appeal pursuant to Chapter 15 of these regulations.
The management official may suspend any employee for disciplinary
purposes for less than three (3) working days, whether consecutively or
not, without written notice. In such an instance, in addition to a
copy of the pertinent personnel action, a full, written statement of the
events and the reasons for this suspension must be placed subsequently in
the employee. s official personnel file, a copy provided the Director or
his delegate. An employee may grieve such a suspension, as provided
by Chapter XIII GRIEVANCES of these Regulations; but such action is not
appealable under CHAPTER XV of these Regulations.
The management official may suspend any employee for disciplinary
purposes for three (3) working days, whether consecutively or not, to take
effect upon delivery to the employee of a written notice setting forth the
specific reason (s) upon which the suspension is based, provided that at
the time of its delivery to the employee, a copy of that statement is on
file with the Chief of his delegate. An employee may grieve such a
suspension as provided by Chapter XIII GRIEVANCES of these Regulations,
but such an action is not appealable under Chapter XV.
The management official may suspend any employee for disciplinary purposes
for more than three (3) working days, whether consecutively or not, but
neither exceeding thirty (30) working days at any one time nor sixty (60)
working days in any calendar year to take effect upon delivery to the
employee of a written notice setting forth the specific reason(s) upon
which the suspension is based and the employee's right of appeal, provided
that at the time of its delivery to the employee a copy of that statement
is on file with the Chief or his delegate. An employee may appeal
such a suspension as provided in Chapter XV of these
management official may, for disciplinary reasons, dismiss or demote an
employee provided that at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the
effective date of the dismissal or demotion, the employee is delivered a
written notice as provided in Chapter XV of these Regulations An employee
may appeal such a dismissal or demotion as provided by Chapter XV of these
k. Suspension and
management official may, for disciplinary reasons, suspend and demote an
employee provided the employee is notified of the suspension and demotion
as required by Chapter XV of these Regulations.
a. The adverse
action notice letter must be a dated and written notice of a specific
action. It shall include the name and address of the employee, as recorded
in the employee's official personnel folder; the name of the employing
department and the official classification of the employee's position; and
the pay level and step within the pay level the employee is currently
b. The notice must
identify one or more reasons for the disciplinary action taken,
specifically and in sufficient detail so that a person unacquainted with
the facts and circumstances involved can.obtain from the notice a
clear.understanding of the reason(s). The notice must also include a
detailed statement of any part of the employee's past record which the
management official considered in determining severity of the disciplinary
c. The letter must
inform the employee that he is entitled to review all the materials relied
on by the management official to support the reasons) specified in the
letter, including material relevant to the employee's past record if that
record forms part of the basis for the action proposed. This requirement
means that the management official cannot use any material to support the
reason(s) which, because of security or other considerations, cannot be
disclosed to the employee or his designated representative. The notice
must inform the employee of his right to review the material relied upon
and must tell him where he may review it.
d. The letter of
proposed action must tell the employee that he has a right to answer, both
orally or in support of his position at a specified time and place
before a named management official or designee. The letter of
proposed action must further tell him that his evidence will be considered
by the management official before the latter makes a decision. The
letter must inform him of his right to be represented by an attorney or
other advisor or representative.
e. The letter must
inform the employee that he will be allowed a reasonable amount of
official times, if he is in an active duty status for reviewing the
material relied on to support the reason(s) in the letter, for preparing a
written answer, for securing witnesses and other evidence. The letter must
inform the employee how much official time he will be allowed for these
purposes, and must identify the person with whom he should arrange for the
use of official time. The time to be allowed will depend on the facts and
circumstances of each individual case. If the employee requests additional
official time, the request should be honored if it is
f. The notice of
disciplinary action must inform the employee as to his right of grievance
or right to appeal to the Ad Hoc Committee. The notice must inform the
employee of where a copy of these Public Service System Regulations is
available for his information. 15.7 Review of Adverse Action Notice. The notice of
adverse action must be reviewed before issuance by the Chief, and the
State Attorney General, or by their representatives.
a. A notice of
adverse action to the employee shall preferably be delivered to him
personally. His written acknowledgement of its receipt shall be obtained
by his signature, dating, and an indication of the time received entered
of the end of the last page of the notice; provided, however, that written
acknowledgement is not necessary if the employee refuses to acknowledge it
in writing.
b. Delivery may also
be effected by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested;
properly addressed to the employee at his last known address; and in such
case the notice shall be deemed to be given when received, or five (5)
days from the date of mailing, whichever occurs first.
c. Delivery may also
be effected by delivery to any person over the age of eighteen (18) years
found at the residence of the employee.
d. In each case, the
person effecting delivery shall certify to the time, date, and manner
thereof, and shall affix his signature to such
e. In computing the
advanced notice period, where required by sub-part 15.5 (j) of these
Regulations, the day on which the notice is delivered is not counted. A
Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday may not be designated as a last day
of a notice period.
f. The date of
transmittal of the notification to the employee shall be:
When personal delivery is made, the date of such
When delivery is made to the employee's residence, the date of such
When notification is sent by mail, the date of mailing.
g. The
effective date of the adverse action shall not be earlier than the close
of business on the date of delivery.
h. As soon as
practicable following delivery of the notice of adverse action, it is the
responsibility of the management official to initiate a personnel action
(YP-PER002, or SF 52) appropriate to the disciplinary
An employee against whom a suspension disciplinary action of less
than three (3) working days or more is taken shall be suspended
An employee against whom a suspension disciplinary action of three (3)
working days or more is taken shall be suspended immediately upon delivery
of the adverse action notice, provided the requirement of sub-part 15.5 (i
) (2) or 15.5 (i ) (3) of these Regulations has been wet.
b. An employee
against whom a disciplinary action of demotion is taken must be retained
in an active duty status during the fifteen (15) calendar days notice
c. An employee
against whom a disciplinary action of suspension and demotion is taken for
duty status purposes shall be treated as provided in sub-part 15.9(a) and
15.9(b) of these Regulations, provided that the employee may be suspended
for part of all of the demotion notice period.
d. An employee
against whom a disciplinary action of dismissal is taken may be retained
in an active duty status during the notice period, if the management
official believes retention is warranted. When circumstances are such that
the retention of the employee in an active duty status in his own position
may result in damage to government property, or maybe detrimental to the
interests of the Government or the employee's co-workers, or the general
public, the employee may be temporarily assigned to duties in which these
conditions will not exist. In an emergency case where the employee can not
be kept in an active duty status during the notice period, either in his
regular position or through temporary assignment to another position, the
employee may be placed in a non-duty status with pay for the fifteen (15)
calendar days notice period. Where the employee has been suspended pending
an investigation or hearing of a charge against him. as provided in
sub-part 15.10 Suspension for Investigation or Hearing, and the ultimate
outcome is disciplinary action of dismissal, the employer shall be
continued on suspension pending the completion of the fifteen (15)
calendar days notice period.
a. An employee may
be suspended immediately by a management official pending an investigation
or hearing of any charge against him, to take effect upon delivery to the
employee of a written notice of suspension for investigation or hearing
provided that at the time of its delivery to the employee a copy of that
statement is on file with the Chief, or his delegate.
b. An employee may
be suspended for a period longer than thirty (30) calendar days by a
management official pending an investigation or hearing of any charge
against him, provided the Chief has given his prior approval to the
suspension and the employee is so notified, as provided in sub-part
c. Where such
suspension is made and the charge subsequently dropped or not
substantiated, the employee shall be reinstated in his position without
loss of pay and other benefits.
d. Where the charge
against the employee is substantiated and the disciplinary action is one
of suspension and:
Where the disciplinary suspension is less than the time on
suspension for investigation or hearing, the employee shall be so notified
in accordance with sub-part 15.5(i) of these Regulations and shall be
reinstated in his position without loss of pay and other benefits for all
time on suspension for investigation or hearing in excess of the duration
of disciplinary action suspension.
Where the disciplinary suspension is equal to the time on suspension for
investigation or hearing, the employee shall be reinstated in his
position, provided he had been notified of the disciplinary suspension in
accordance with sub-part 15.5 (i) of these Regulations.
Where the disciplinary suspension exceeds the time on suspension for
investigation or hearing, the employee shall be notified of the
disciplinary action in accordance with sub-part 15. 5 (i) of these
Regulations and shall be credited for the disciplinary action suspension
period with all time he has served on suspension for
investigation or hearing, and
shall be continued on disciplinary suspension until the total disciplinary
action suspension is realized.
e. Where the charge
against the employee is substantiated and the disciplinary action is one
of suspension and demotion, the employee shall be treated as provided for
in sub-part 15.5 of these Regulation is complied with.
f. Where the
disciplinary action of demotion is taken following a suspension for
investigation or hearing, the employee shall be reinstated in his position
without loss of pay and other benefits resulting from the suspension for
investigation or hearing, pending compliance with sub-part 15.5 of these
g. If the
disciplinary action taken following a suspension for investigation or
hearing is dismissal, the employee shall be continued on suspension
pending the completion of the fifteen (15) calendar days notice
Procedure for Filing appeals.
An employee may appeal from an adverse action at any time during the
period of fifteen (15) calendar days, counted from the date when the
notification of the adverse action was transmitted to him. All appeals
shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Chief, by the employee
personally, or by his authorized representative. The appeal shall include
or be accompanied by the following materials:
a. A statement
of the employee's reasons for contesting the adverse
b. An offer of proof
or documentary evidence which the appellant then wishes to
The names of witnesses and the description of documentary and other
evidence that the appellant wishes to have at the hearing, with such
explanation of their relevancy as may be appropriate.
d. Any request the
appellant may wish to make for a delay in the date of his hearing, beyond
the period of fifteen days from the date when the appeal is
e. The designation
of the employee's representative, if any.
a. Appeals from
adverse actions will be heard by an ad hoc hearing committee consisting of
three members, selected from a panel of not less than seven officers or
employees of the State Government, nominated by the Governor with the
advice an consent of the Legislature. Each committee shall be comprised of
one member chosen by,the appellant, one chosen by the Chief, and a third
chosen jointly by the other two members. If the first two members are
unable to agree on the choice of a third member within two working days
after they have been notified of their selection, the Chief shall select
the third member by lot from among the remaining members of the
b. No member of an
ad hoc committee shall be an officer or employe of an agency of government
to which the appellant is or was assigned, or a close relative of either
the appellant or the responsible management official. For the purpose of
this Sub-Part, the word "agency" shall mean either:
The Legislative Branch;
The Judicial Branch;
Executive Department or Office; or
Any board, commission, authority, or similar body.
c. At the time of
filing his appeal with the Chief, the appellant or his authorized
representative shall select from the panel a member of the ad hoc hearing
committee. The Chief shall immediately determine whether or not the member
named is prevented from serving in conformance with Paragraph b. of this
Sub-Part; if so, he shall inform the appellant or the
appellant's representative, who shall then choose the second member
of the committee and shall promptly notify the two persons of their
selection, urging them to meet at the first opportunity to jointly select
the third member.
d. When he third
member of the ad hoc hearing committee has been chosen, the Chief will
inform him. 15.13
Responsibilities of the Chief of
Personnel. In the period after the ad hoc hearing committee has
been constituted, the Chief will have, among other responsibilities, the
a. To inform the
management official who authorized the adverse action that an appeal has
been filed, and to obtain from him the names of witnesses and the
description of tangible evidence for which he wishes subpoenas to be
issued, if any.
b. To turnover to
the ad hoc committee the original appeal supporting documentation, and
lists of subpoenas requested by the appellant and the management official
c. To ascertain from
the committee the date and time of the hearing and inform all interested
parties. The hearing shall be held within fifteen (15) days
appeal is filed.
d. To serve as a
channel of communication between the committee and the interested parties
and to explain all legal technical, and procedural requirements.
e. To arrange for a
hearing room and other logistical needs.
a. The ad hoc
hearing committee on its own motion or that of the Chief, management, or
the appellant may subpoena witnesses and evidence relevant and material to
the hearing. The committee shall be the judge of relevancy and
b. The appellant
shall be entitled to review all material relied on by the management
official to support the reasons s specified in the notification of adverse
action, including material relevant to the appellant's past record if that
record forms part of the basis for the action. This requirement means that
management cannot use any material to support its reasons which, because
of security or other considerations, cannot be disclosed to the appellant
or his authorized representative. The appellant must be informed of his
right to review the material relied upon. a.
An appellant has the right to present an appeal without representative, or
to be accompanied, represented, and advised by a representative of his
choice at any stage of the proceeding. The representative may be either an
officer or employee of the State Government (provided that no conflict of
interest would be produced) or a person from outside the government. A
representative who is a government officer or employe shall be allowed
reasonable periods of Administrative Leave from his regular duties to
attend to his functions as such representative. To change his authorized
representative, the appellant must give written notice to the ad hoc
hearing committee through the Chief.
b. The
representative of management in connection with the hearing shall be the
Attorney General or his designee. 15.16
Freedom from Reprisal or Interference. An appellant and his
representative must be free to use the appeal system without restraint,
interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. An employee, whether
acting in an official capacity for the government or on any other basis,
must not interfere with or attempt to interfere with another employee's
exercise of his rights under this Part. He must also refrain from making
any statement or taking any action that has the appearance of a threat,
interference, or intimidation. 15.17
Conduct of Hearings. All hearings shall be public unless the
appellant requests a closed hearing. At the hearing, technical rules of
evidence shall not apply, and evidence shall be taken stenographically or
by recording machine. The appellant ant and the management official who
authorized the adverse action shall each have the right to be heard, to
present evidence, and to be confronted by all adverse witnesses. The
appellant may be represented by counsel of his own choosing. The Chief or
his qualified designee shall attend the hearing and all meetings of any ad
hoc hearing committee and provide technical advise on request.
Report of Ad Hoc Committee. Within seven (7) calendar days after
the close of the hearing, the ad hoc committee shall prepare a full
written statement of its findings of fact and its recommendations
concerning the adverse action that was appealed. It may recommend
that the action be affirmed, modified, or reversed. The committee shall
immediately deliver this statement, with such supporting documentation as
it deems appropriate to the highest management official responsible
for the agency in which the appellant is or was employed, with a signed
copy to the Chief. That management official, after considering the finding
and recommendations, will personally give the final decision the appeal.
This management-official shall be:
a. For the
Legislative Branch, the Speaker of the Legislature.
b. For the Executive
Branch, the Governor.
c. For the Judicial
Branch, the Chief Justice.
d. For each
commission, board, authority, or similar body, the chairman
thereof. 15.19
Appeal File. For every appeal which is submitted in
connection with an adverse action, the Chief shall establish an appeal
file, which shall be separate and distinct from the regular employee
files. The contents of the appeal file shall include, but not necessarily
be limited to the following:
a. Copy of the
notification of adverse action.
b. The appeal
submitted by the employee, with all supporting documents.
c. All written
statements, authorizations, requests, and other documents presented in
connection with the appeal and the hearing.
d. The lists of
subpoenas requested by the appellant and by management.
e. Copies of all
documentary evidence introduced at the hearing.
f. Transcripts of
the hearing, including original tapes or other recordings, if
g. Signed copy of
the report of the ad hoc committee.
Each appeal file shall be kept
by the Personnel Office for not less than six years from the date of the
final decision of the respective a peal, and thereafter for such
additional period as the Attorney General may find
CAUSE 16.1
Abandonment. If an employee
ceases to work without explanation for not less consecutive working days
he shall be deemed to have abandoned his position, and the management
official shall file with the Chief a statement showing termination of
employment because of abandonment of position. The management official
shall promptly transmit a copy of the statement to the employee by the
most practical means. 16.2 Resignation. Resignations shall be in writing and
shall be submitted at -least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the
effective date. The Chief may designate management and highly
skill classes for which this period may be extended to thirty (30)
calendar days.
a. Where less
than the required advance notice is given placement on the reemployment
list is forfeited unless the department or office head certifies at the
time of resignation that failure to provide required notice
did not seriously hamper the work of`the department or office,or unless
the delay was due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee.
b. The department or
office head shall submit a copy of the written resignation together with
the necessary terminating documents, to the Chief or his authorized
representative. 16.3 Termination for Medical Reasons. When an employee
contracts an infectious or contagious disease which endangers the health
of others, or becomes mentally incapacitated, or is otherwise permanently
physically disabled for the satisfactory performance of duties of the
position to which assigned, the Chief may terminate his employment,
a. No suitable
reassignment can be made within the department or office to which he is
assigned, and
b. Medical
examination procedures, as outlined in Sub-Part 3.22, have been complied
with. 16.4 Reduction-In-Force (RIF). Department and office
heads may terminate the services of an employee because of the abolishment
of his position, for lack of work or funds, or for other reasons outside
the employee's control which reflect no discredit on the services of such
employee. When there is an impending RIF, the department or office Read,
or Governor concerned shall inform the Chief of this fact at least sixty
(60) days in advance of the proposed action.
a. When the
determination to abolish a position is made, the department or office head
shall exhaust all possibilities in placing the employee in another
equivalent position.
b. When it is
evident that there are no positions for which the employee meets the
qualification requirements, the department or office head shall request
that RIF procedures be effected by the Chief.
c. Order of
Terminations. The order of termination in RIF shall be determined in
accordance with the following:
Permanent employees and probationary employees shall not be
terminated when positions in the same class are continued with the
services of temporary employees.
The individual merit of each employee, is shown by performance
evaluations, shall be the primary basis for establishing the order of
layoffs. As between two employees with equal performance evaluation
ratings, preference shall be given to the one with higher qualifications
of education, training, and experience, as evaluated by Chief. As between
two employees with equal performance evaluation ratings and equal
qualifications, preference shall be given to the one with greater
seniority as measured by total creditable service.
Persons reached by RIF may not be reassigned to positions other than those
for which they are fully qualified.
A permanent employee who is to be terminated from a position In one class
may ask for a review of the status of employees serving in the lower
classes of the same related field. Upon receipt, the Chief shall conduct
such a review. If he finds an employee serving in a lower
class requiring the the same or closely related qualifications who is not
a permanent employee, the Chief shall offer the position occupied by such
temporary employee to the employee being terminated. If he accepts,
the services of the temporary employee in the same or lower class shall be
Reduction-In-Force Notice. When the determination to abolish
position is made and all efforts to replace the affected employee in
another position have failed, the Chief shall inform the employee, in
writing, that he has been reached by RIF and that his services shall be
terminated. The Chief's letter shall be dispatched at least thirty
(30) days prior to the effective dated of termination and it shall inform
the employee if he is eligible for placement on the reemployment list.
The employee shall sign a copy of the letter to acknowledge receipt
and return it to the Chief.
e. Reemployment
List. Permanent employees terminated because of a RIF shall be
entitled to be placed on a appropriate reemployment list. Temporary
employees shall not entitled to these reemployment rights. 16.5 Exit
Interview. A personal interview shall be provided each employee
terminating service with the System, prior to the effective date of the
termination action. The interview shall be conducted for the purpose of
obtaining from the employee the true reason(s) for his termination.
Interviews shall be recorded in report form and be made a part of the
employee's personal folder. The interview shall be conducted by the Chief
or his designee.
political activities of employees in the System shall be subject to the
restrictions of this section.
a. To vote for the
candidates of their choice and to express their opinions on political
b. To be an active
member of the political party or organization of their
c. To make voluntary
contributions to a political party for its general
d. To become a
candidate for political office while working in the System, providing
their campaigning does not take place while on Government
a. Use their office
or official influence to interfere with an election or to affect the
results of an election.
b. Use their party
authority to coerce any person or political party in reference to any
politically-related activity.
c. He obligated to
contribute to any political fund or render service to any political
d. Solicit or
receive political contributions from anyone while on government time or on
government property.
e. Campaign for any
candidates for public office during official working
hours. 17.3
Penalty. Any employee found guilty of a prohibited activity shall
be subject to disciplinary action by management officials.
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