YSC, Title 20. Planning & Economic Development | ||
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Chapter 3. Building
§301. Building permits required.
Application for a permit.
Requirements for permits.
Issuance of permit.
Disapproval of permit.
Null and void permits.
Expiration of permit.
Application filing fee.
Issuance of regulations.
It shall be unlawful to commence
excavation or filling for the construction of any permanent building or
other permanent structure, including accessory structures, or to store
building material, or to construct entrances or parking lots or commence
the moving, alteration, conversion, extension, enlargement, or repair of
any structure, including accessory structures, in the Yap Islands Proper
Master Plan Area, before the Yap Islands Planning Commission has issued a
building permit therefor. Repairs consisting of painting, changing
fixtures, reroofing, and other cosmetic treatments are excepted
Source: YDC §5000(1), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions of the Yap Islands Planning Commission are found in subchapter I of chapter 1 of this title.
Commission Comment: The provisions of YDL 4-36 added a new section 5000 to Chapter 5, Part A of the Yap District Code. The subsections of section 5000 make up the separate sections of this chapter.
An application for a building permit
shall be made to the Yap Islands Planning Commission on forms provided
Source: YDC §5000(2), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions of the Yap Islands Planning Commission are found in subchapter I of chapter 1 of this title.
The Planning Commission shall require
that every application for a building permit be accompanied by three
copies of a plan or plat drawn to scale and showing the following in
sufficient detail to enable the Planning Commission to ascertain whether
the proposal is in conformance with this chapter:
(a) The actual shape, proportion, and dimensions of the lot to be built upon and satisfactory evidence that actual corners of the lot are shown and are established on the ground.
(b) The shape, size, and location of all buildings or other structures to be erected, altered, or moved and of any buildings or other structures existing on the lot.
(c) The existing and proposed use of all such buildings or other structures.
(d) The dimensions of all yards and such other information concerning the lot or adjoining lots as may be essential for determining that the provisions of this chapter are being observed.
(e) Other information as may be required by the Planning Commission.
Source: YDC §5000(3), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions of the Yap Islands Planning Commission are found in subchapter I of chapter 1 of this title.
If the proposed excavation, filling,
construction, moving, or alteration as set forth in the application is in
conformity with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable
statutes, regulations, ordinances, and other laws of the Trust Territory
and the State, the Planning Commission shall issue a building permit.
If any part of the application is not in conformity with said
provisions, a building permit shall be issued only when a written order
from the Governor is received by the Planning Commission granting a
Source: YDC §5000(4), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
If an application for a building
permit is not approved, the Planning Commission shall state in writing the
reason for such disapproval.
Source: YDC §5000(5), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions of the Yap Islands Planning Commission are found in subchapter I of chapter 1 of this title.
The Planning Commission shall have 60
days in which to review and act upon an application for a permit.
If, after 60 days, action has not been taken, such application will
be considered to be approved. The 60 day period commences
immediately upon signed receipt of the application by the Planning
Commission or its duly authorized agents.
Source: YDC §5000(6), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provision on the membership of the Yap Islands Planning Commission is found in section 102 of this title.
Any permit issued in conflict with
the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void and may not be
construed as waiving any provision of this chapter.
Source: YDC §5000(7), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
If the work provided for in the
permit has not commenced within six months nor been completed within 24
months of the issuance of said permit, the permit shall have expired and
shall be null and void.
Source: YDC §5000(8), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
A person applying for a building
permit shall be assessed a filing fee of $5.00 to cover costs incurred.
Such fee shall be deposited in an operation account to be
established by the Treasurer for use of the Planning Commission in
carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
Source: YDC §5000(9), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on Taxation and Finance are found in Title 13 of this Code.
Appeals to the Governor may be taken
by any applicant aggrieved by any action taken by the Planning Commission
in its enforcement of this chapter. Such appeal shall be taken
within 30 days of the action by the Planning Commission by filing with the
Planning Commission and the Governor a notice of appeal specifying the
grounds thereof. The Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit to
the Governor copies of all of the documents constituting the record upon
which the action appealed from was taken.
Source: YDC §5000(10), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Any person violating any provision of
this chapter shall upon conviction thereof be punished by imprisonment for
not more than one year, or a fine not to exceed $50.00 for each day of
violation, or both.
Source: YDC §5000(11), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provision regarding penalties for the violation of the public planning provisions of chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 of this title is found in section 811 of Title 11 (Crimes and Punishment) of this Code.
The Yap Islands Planning Commission,
with the approval of the Governor, shall be authorized to issue
regulations providing for any matter necessary for the proper
implementation of this chapter.
Source: YDC §5000(12), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions of the Yap Islands Planning Commission are found in subchapter I of chapter 1 of this title. The statutory provisions on Administrative Law are found in Title 10 of this Code.
Should any provision, clause, or word
of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this chapter as a
whole, or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be
Source: YDC §5000(13), as enacted by YDL 4-36 §1, modified.
Commission Comment: The provisions of YDL 4-36 added a new section 5000 to Chapter 5, Part A of the Yap District Code. The subsections of section 5000 make up the separate sections of this chapter.
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