Part II.  Health

Chapter 11.  Department of
Health Services Procedures

Section 12.1101.  Autopsy.
Section 12.1102.  Licensing of practitioner.
Section 12.1103.  Payment of fee.
Section 12.1104.  Medical referral.
Section 12.1105.  Required reporting.
Section 12.1106.  Quarantine.

      Section 12.1101.  Autopsy.
      A physician may perform an autopsy or post-mortem examination to reveal or clarify the cause of a death if the nearest responsible relative gives written consent.   If a death occurred under conditions suggesting poisoning, violence, or unusual circumstances and the Government cannot otherwise satisfactorily determine the cause and manner of the death, a physician performs an autopsy, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Health Services or the Attorney General and approval of the Governor.

      Section 12.1102.  Licensing of practitioner.
      By regulation the Director of the Department of Health Services may require a license for a person to practice medicine, surgery, dentistry, nursing or other health service.  By written understanding with the national government the Governor arranges for the joint licensing of physicians, dentists and medical officers.

      Section 12.1103.  Payment of fee.
      A person pays for medical and dental services provided by the Government in accordance with regulations of the Department of Health Services which may provide that in the public interest certain services are free, if a recipient cannot compensate the Government in any manner, including by the giving of labor or goods.  The Government may not deny medical care available in the State to a person because of inability to pay a fee and makes no distinction in treatment or care because of inability to pay.

      Section 12.1104.  Medical referral.
      By regulation the Director of Health Services provides an impartial process for selecting persons genuinely needing medical treatment outside the State through a medical referral.  No person may use funds for medical referral in a manner contrary to regulation.

      Section 12.1105.  Required reporting.
      The physician-patient privilege and duty of physician confidentiality do not apply to a report of a wound or death, to a report made pursuant to Section 16.1202, to a related fact, or to the condition of the party who is the subject of the report.

      Section 12.1106.  Quarantine.
      The Director of the Department of Health Services may order isolated or quarantined a person who is suffering from, or has been exposed to, a contagious disease.