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1.Short Title
2. Authority
3. Effective Date
4. Purpose
5. Definitions
6. Codes of practice to be recognised
7. Points of entry
8. Requirements of all persons entering the FSM
9. Notification of the arrival of regulated materials into the FSM
10. Availability of documents, manifests and conveyance movement information
11. Powers of the Administrator of Agriculture
12. Language of documents and labelling of goods
13. Inspection, examination and treatment of any conveyance arriving from overseas
14. Disposal of garbage
15. Placement into quarantine
16. Security of quarantine area
17. Removal from quarantine
18. Samples, testing
19. Release of plants, plant material, animals, animal products or goods
20. Plant and Animal Quarantine Entry Permits
21. Any plants, plant material, animals, animal products, goods or regulated material may be ordered back into quarantine
22. Seizure and destruction
23. Disposal of regulated material carrying or suspected to be carrying a pest
24. Quarantine forms and documents
25. Official importations by Government
26. Approved places for quarantine to be performed
27. Quarantine seal
28. Official stamp(s)
29. Quarantine screening of live plants and live animals
30. Treatment
31. Transport, storage, unpacking, treatment, growth in quarantine - Importer's expense 32. In-transit movement of regulated material and goods
33. Pre-departure inspections of conveyances and cargo
34 Emergency measures for the eradication/control of a quarantine pest
35. Expenses, fees and charges for importers and exporters
36. Exclusion of liability
37. Authority to search and examine
38. Access to documents
39. Power to open shipment
40. Employment of assistants
41. Plant Quarantine - General
QP 1 For the entry of fresh fruit and vegetables
QP 2 Entry of live plants or parts thereof (other than seeds or tissue cultures) for propagation
QP 3 Importation of seed
QP 4 Cut flowers and foliage
QP 5 Timber
QP 6 Grass, bamboo, cane, palm fronds and goods manufactured from such materials
QP 7 Soil, sand and gravel
QP 8 Stored dried food products
QP 9 Packing material, dunnage and second-hand bags
QP 10 Handicrafts made from plant material
QP 11 Bacteria, viruses, vaccines, cultures and organisms
42. Plant Quarantine - Specific plant prohibitions
43. Animal Quarantine - General
QA 1 Minimum conditions to be applied to live animal imports
QA 2 Bonding of animals (ship's pets)
44. Animal Quarantine - Specific Conditions for the Entry of Animals and Animal Products
QA 3 Importation of dogs into the FSM
QA 4 Movement of dogs within the FSM
QA 5 Importation of cats into the FSM
QA 6 Movement of cats within the FSM
QA 7 Importation of cattle into the FSM
QA 8 Movement of cattle within the FSM
QA 9 Importation of small ruminants (sheep and goats) into the FSM
QA 10 Movement of sheep and goats within the FSM
QA I I Importation of domestic horses, mules and donkeys into the FSM
QA 12 Movement of domestic horses, mules and donkeys within the FSM
QA 13 Importation of domestic pigs into the FSM
QA 14 Movement of domestic pigs within the FSM
QA 15 Importation of domestic birds into the FSM
QA 16 Movement of domestic poultry within the FSM
QA 17 Importation of day old chicks into the FSM
QA 18 Importation of hatching eggs into the FSM
QA 19 Movement of hatching eggs within the FSM
QA 20 Importation of domestic rodents and rabbits into the FSM
QA 21 Movement of domestic rodents and rabbits within the FSM
QA 22 Importation of embryos/ova of domestic ruminants and pigs into the FSM
QA 23 Importation of semen of domestic ruminants into the FSM
QA 24 Importation of semen of pigs into the FSM
QA 25 Importation of non-commercial consignments of food products of animal origin imported as accompanied passengers' baggage for personal use
QA 26 Importation of unsterilized meat and meat products derived from domestic ruminants into the FSM
QA 27. Importation of unsteri lized meat and meat products derived from pigs into the FSM
QA 28 Importation of unsterilized meat and meat products derived from poultry into the FSM
QA 29 Importation of eggs and egg products for consumption or processing into the FSM
QA 30 Importation of milk and milk products into the FSM
QA 31 Importation of honey bees and apiary equipment into the FSM
QA 32 Movement of honey bees and apiary equipment within the FSM
QA 33 Importation of honey and bee products into the FSM
QA 34 Importation of all other animal products and related articles
45. Animal Quarantine - Specific animal prohibitions
46. Importation for special purposes
47. Examination of exports - Plant and plant material
48. Examination of exports - Animals and animal products
49. Re-export of plants and plant materials and animals and animal products
50. Penalties
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