Truck State Law Index B

Law No. 5 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 5-85 To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of auditing all funds
appropriated from the local revenue of Truk State for FY 1983, and for other purposes
2-93 1/27/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-86 To establish qualifications for persons employed as attorney for the Truk State Legislature, and for other
2-92 1/30/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-87 To amend Subsection (1) of Section 14, of the Truk State Law No. 3-42, as amended to change the date of the
referendum on the Truk State Draft Constitution, and for other purposes
2-94 2/7/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-88 To mandate the Governor of the State of Truk to issue a Quit Claim Deed on the island of Elin in the Hall Islands
in the name of Otoko Walter, and for other purposes
2-91 1/30/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-89 To amend Section 13 of Truk State Law No. 5-32, as amended by Truk State Law No. 5-60, the State Judiciary Act
of 1982, and for other purposes
2-96 2/29/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-90 To appropriate the sum of $20,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of providing
supplemental fund to the Vocational Rehabilitation Services in Truk State, and for other purposes
2-97 3/1/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-91 To amend Section 2 of Truk State Law No. 5-72, and for other purposes 2-98 3/25/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-92 To provide for exploitation, management and conservation of the State Fishery Zone, and for other purposes 2-95 4/5/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-93 To amend Section 2 of Chapter 1, Title 25 of the Truk State Code by decreasing the composition of the Truk
Recreation Board, as amended, and for other purposes
2-99 6/4/1984 pfd NA
TSL 5-94 To appropriate the sum of $10,987 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Special
Project Regional and National Services (SPRANS) in Truk, and for other purposes
2-102 6/25/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-95 To appropriate the sum of $50,000, from the General Fund of the State Government for the purpose of paying
the 12% (per annum) interest of $2.5 million due to the landowners whose lands have been used by the Truk
State Government, and for other purposes
2-103 6/25/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-96 To amend Section 52 of Chapter 3, Title 15 of the Truk State Code, to provide for a member of the Committee on
Health, Education and Welfare of the Truk State Legislature to serve on the Scholarship Board, to provide for the
removal of members and the number of a quorum, and for other purposes
2-105 6/28/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-97 To amend Section 4 (2) of Truk State Law No. 5-69, to reorganize the composition of the Board of Directors, and
for other purposes
2-100 7/2/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-98 To establish new annual salary and office expense allowance of members of the Truk State Legislature, to repeal
existing laws on the same, and for other purposes
2-104 pfd pfd
TSL 5-99 To authorize the Governor to enter into lease agreements with private landowners for lands presently used by
the State Government, to appropriate funds therefore; to authorize the appropriation of additional funds, and
for other purposes
2-101 6/30/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-100 To amend Truk State Law No. 5-81; creating a new Section 6 therefore, and for other purposes 2-107 7/5/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-101 Providing for the creation of a Truk State Board of Land Surveyors Examiners and the Registration of Surveyors,
prescribing the Board’s duties, powers, and responsibilities and the requirements for the registration of
surveyors, and for other purposes
2-106 7/9/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-102 To appropriate the sum of $30,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the State
Charter Celebration and other recreational activities in Truk State, and for other purposes
2-110 10/12/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-103 To levy and collect state taxes, to provide penalties for non-payment of such taxes, to repeal Chapter 1, 5, 9, and
13 of Title 29 of the Truk State Code, and for other purposes
2-109 9/24/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-104 To amend Truk State Law No. 27-1-6, and for other purposes 2-112 12/26/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-105 To appropriate the sum of $26,410,978 from the General Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September
30, 1985, for the purpose of funding the internal operation of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches of
the Truk State Government, State Boards and Commissions, U.S. Federal Programs, and for other purposes
2-113 12/24/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-106 To amend Truk State Law No. 5-58, Section 1 and 2, of the Truk State Living Standard Allowance, to provide that
full-time and part-time public employees, as defined, including those employed with the U.S. Federal Programs,
and those earning less than $15,000 a year, should be eligible for the Living Standard Allowance, and for other
2-114 12/26/1984 pfd pfd
TSL 5-107 To amend Truk State Law No. 4-82, the Mortlocks Development Authority, to reduce the area of service of the
Authority, to make necessary revisions of the same, and for other purposes
2-115 pfd pfd
TSL 5-108 To establish a State Authority to consider foreign investment applications referred for recommendation to Truk
State by the Secretary of Resources and Development of the Federated States of Micronesia, all as provided for
by 32 FSN Code § 201, et seq. (Foreign Investment Act. PL No. 2-5), and for other purposes
2-111 12/26/1984 pfd pfd
Law No. 5 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 5-109 To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Education
program for the proposed Truk State Constitution, and for other purposes
2-117 1/21/1985 pfd pfd
TSL 5-110 To establish a Development Authority for the Lower Mortlock Islands, to provide for its organization,
management, authority and responsibilities, and for other purposes
2-118 pfd pfd
TSL 5-111 To amend Truk State Law No. 5-25, the Northern Namoneas Economic Development Authority, to increase the
membership of its Board of Directors, and for other purposes
2-119 pfd pfd
TSL 5-112 To appropriate the sum of $15,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of providing state
matching fund to assist in funding the operation of the 4-H Agriculture Youth Club for FY 1985, and for other
2-123 pfd pfd
TSL 5-113 To appropriate the sum of $25,000, from the General Fund of the Truk Government for the purpose of funding
compensation of the damage of trees and crops during the construction of public projects, and for other
2-125 pfd pfd
TSL 5-114 To appropriate the sum of $10,650 from the General Fund of the State Government for the purpose of funding
the Outer Island Development Program in FY 1985, and for other purposes
2-120 pfd pfd
TSL 5-115 To appropriate the sum of $14,000 from the General Fund of the Truk State Government for the purpose of
funding tourism promotion in FY 1985, and for other purposes
2-121 pfd pfd
TSL 5-116 To appropriate the sum of $400,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of
funding municipal projects and operations in Truk State, and for other purposes
2-122 pfd NA
TSL 5-117 To amend TSL No. 5-105, to provide supplemental appropriations for the operation and maintenance funds for
the State Government and to provide for a change in employment ceilings in specified special programs of the
Executive Branch of the Truk State Government, and for other purposes
2-124 pfd pfd
TSL 5-118 To establish an Economic Development Authority for the Lukeisel Islands, to provide for its organization,
management, authority and responsibilities, and for other purposes
2-116 pfd pfd
Law No. 3-1 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 3-1-1 To appropriate the sum of $250,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding certain
Capital Improvement Projects of the Department of Resources and Development for FY 1987, to designate the
same as state Matching Fund for the funds provided by the FSM Congress for Truk State, and for other purposes
3-7 10/6/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-119 To levy and collect state taxes on sales of tangible items, possession of alcoholic beverages, room occupancy,
and motor vehicle and boat rental; to provide civil and criminal penalties for non-payment of such taxes; to
repeal Chapter 1, 5, 9 (as enacted by Truk State Law No. 1-1-13), and 13 of Title 29 of the Truk State Code, and
Truk State Code, and Truk State Law No. 5-1-3; and for other purposes
2-126 pfd pfd
TSL 5-120 To amend Section 1 of Truk State law No. 5-116, the Precinct Allocations, extending the reversion dates of
unobligated funds of the precinct allocations, and for other purposes
2-127 pfd pfd
TSL 5-121 To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the General
Election for Governor, Lt. Governor, and members of the Legislature in March, 1986, and for other purposes
2-128 pfd pfd
TSL 5-122 To amend Section 14 of TSL No. 3-42, as amended by TSL No. 5-41 and TSL No. 5-87, to change the date of the
referendum on the draft constitution for the State of Truk, and for other purposes
2-129 10/4/1985 pfd pfd
TSL 5-123 To amend Section 33 of Truk State Law No. 5-32, the Judiciary Act of 1982, as previously amended by TSL No. 5-
60, TSL No. 5-73, and TSL No. 5-89, and for other purposes
2-130 10/10/1985 pfd pfd
TSL 5-124 To provide that all fines and penalties assessed by Truk State Courts for violation of vehicle laws as found in Title
83, Trust Territory Code, Chapter 1 through 7, shall be deposited in the General Fund of the States to supersede
Section 1021 of Title 6 of the Code of the Federated States Of Micronesia to the extent of any conflict, and for
other purposes
2-131 10/10/1985 pfd pfd
TSL 5-125 To adopt Title 83 of the Trust Territory Code as Truk State Law, and for other purposes 2-132 10/10/1985 pfd pfd
TSL 5-126 To appropriate the sum of $26,150,955 (DOI-$13,210,034: LR-$1,897,034: FG-$11,043,887), from the General
Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, for the purpose of funding the internal
operations of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the Truk State Government and certain other
programs and projects, providing for employment ceilings, and for other purposes
2-133 pfd pfd
TSL 5-127 To appropriate the sum of $530,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the FY' 85
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) pursuant to TSL No. 5-58, as amended and for other purposes
2-134 1/26/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-128 To amend Truk State Law No. 5-116 as amended by Truk State Law No. 5-120, to change the use of the allocation
provided to the 1st, 3rd, and 8th Election Districts and for other purposes
2-135 1/14/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-129 To further amend the District Election Act of 1978, TSL No. 27-1-6, as amended, by amending Subsection (6) of
Section 16, Section 24, Subsection (2) of Section 35, Subsection (2) of Section 37, and Subsection (1) of Section
38 for the purpose of enabling the State Election Commissioner; to designate special polling places outside of
Truk State, and for other purposes
2-136 1/14/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-130 To appropriate the sum of $96,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of retiring certain FY
1985 obligations of Truk State Government, and for other purposes
2-137 2/12/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-131 Amending Truk State Law No. 4-86, as amended by Truk State Law No. 5-10, the Hall Islands Authority, to change
the manner in which persons from the participating municipalities are selected, and for other purposes
2-138 2/12/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 5-132 To appropriate the sum of $103,660 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of supplementing the
funds for the General Election and funding a run-off election, and for other purposes
2-139 4/20/1986 pfd pfd
Law No. 6 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 6-1 To amend Section 7 of Truk State Law No. 3-25 (the Executive Branch Organization Act of 1980), to remove
tourism as a division of the Department of Resources and Development, and for other purposes
3-1 7/18/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 6-2 To amend Section 3 of Truk State Law No. 5-108, the State Foreign Investment Act; to provide for seating a State
Senator as a board member, and for other purposes
3-3 8/4/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 6-3 To appropriate the sum of $24,435 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of supplementing the
appropriation necessary to pay the salaries of members of the Third Legislature, and for other purposes
3-2 pfd pfd
TSL 6-4 To authorize the Governor of the State of Truk to negotiate and borrow from a lending institution the sum not to
exceed three million ($3,000,000) dollars for the purposes of funding unmet obligations of the State, and for
other purposes
3-4 8/12/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 6-5 To amend Section 2 of Truk State Law No. 5-120, which extended the reversion dates of the unobligated funds
for FY 1985 precinct allocations appropriated by TSL No. 5-116, and for other purposes
3-5 9/29/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 6-6 To amend Section 9 of TSL No. 5-126, the FY’ 86 Budget for the State, and for other purposes 3-6 9/29/1986 pfd pfd
TSL 6-7 To appropriate the sum of $25,438,621 (DOI-$13,078,321; LR-$1,947,000; FG-$10,200,300 + R-$213,000) for the
fiscal year ending September 30, 1987, for the purpose of funding the internal operations of the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial Branches of the Truk State Government, State Boards and Commissions, Federal Grant
Programs, other government agencies, and for other purposes
3-8 9/30/1986 pfd pfd
Law No. 6 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 6-8 To amend TSL No. 5-86 as it relates to the qualifications for persons employed as an attorney for the Truk State
Legislature, and for other purposes
3-11 2/20/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-9 To amend TSL No. 6-7 to provide supplemental appropriation for the operation of the Truk State Government,
its boards and commissions, various programs, and for other purposes
3-12 3/4/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-10 To amend Section 15 of TSL No. 27-1-6, as amended to provide for appointment and confirmation of a politically
independent election commissioner, to set salary of such position, and for other purposes
3-14 3/20/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-11 To amend TSL No. 3-25, the Executive Organization As, as amended, and for other purposes 3-16 3/20/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-12 To appropriate the sum of $10,873,712 from the General Fund of the State of the fiscal year ending September
30, 1987, for the purposes of funding the State Capital Improvement Projects and Economic Development
Projects, and for other purposes
3-17 3/23/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-13 To appropriate the sum of $600,000 from the General Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September 30,
1987, for the purpose of funding the payment of unpaid bills to local vendors, medical referrals, tree
compensations of the State of Truk, office space rental and office supplies for Public Affairs Office, and for other
3-18 3/25/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-14 To appropriate the sum of $400,000 from the General Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September 30,
1987, for the purpose of funding municipal projects, programs and operations, pursuant to TSL No. 3-6, and for
other purposes
3-13 3/20/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-15 To amend Section 52 of Chapter 3, Title 15 of the Truk State Code, as amended to provide for a member of the
Committee on Education of the Truk State Legislature to serve on the State Scholarship Board, and for other
3-15 3/25/1987 pfd NA
TSL 6-16 Establishing a Constitutional Convention for the State of Truk, prescribing its powers, duties and functions,
authorizing appropriation therefore, and for other purposes
3-19 6/18/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-17 To amend TSL No. 6-7, Section 2 as amended by TSL No. 6-9 to repeal the appropriation of $545,179, as Loan
Repayment, and for other purposes
3-20 7/23/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-18 To authorize periodic census of population and other Statistical Surveys to set forth the procedures therefore,
and for other purposes
3-21 pfd pfd
TSL 6-19 To repeal TSL No. 5-58, the State Standard Living Allowance, as amended by TSL No. 5-106, and for other
3-22 pfd pfd
TSL 6-20 To appropriate the sum of $70,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Special
Investigation Committee per Resolution No. 3-51, and for other purposes
3-24 8/14/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-21 To establish the Office of Fiscal Accountability and the position of State Auditor as authorized by Article VI,
Section 10 of the Truk State Charter, to amend Title 21 of the Truk State Code to add Chapter 20A thereto, and
to provide for the duties and powers of the State Auditor, and for other purposes (Public Auditor)
3-23 8/14/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-22 To prohibit all State employees in the public service from receiving compensation from more than one public
source at the same time, and for other purposes
3-25 10/27/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-23 To amend Section 2 and 4 of TSL No. 6-16, and for other purposes 3-27 11/13/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-24 To appropriate the sum of 40,838,404 from the General Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September
30, 1988, for the purpose of funding the internal operations of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of
the Truk State Government, and for other purposes
3-28 11/19/1987 pfd pfd
TSL 6-25 To further amend Section 2, 4, and 12 of TSL No. 6-16, as amended by TSL No. 6-23, and for other purposes 3-29 1/1/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-26 To appropriate the sum of $450,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Disaster
Relief Assistance Program, and for other purposes
3-30 pfd pfd
TSL 6-27 To appropriate the sum of $1,000,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the unpaid
furlough costs, and for other purposes
3-31 pfd pfd
TSL 6-28 To appropriate the sum of $499,448 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of providing scholarship
assistance to Trukese students from U.S. Compact Section 216(a) (3) funds, and for other purposes
3-32 pfd NA
TSL 6-29 To amend Section 1 of TSL No. 6-14, to reprogram funds authorized under Subsection C 1 of Section 1, for
Wichap Youth Activities, to be used for Typhoon Relief, and for other purposes
3-34 2/1/1987 pfd NA
TSL 6-30 To appropriate the sum of $835,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding various
Enhanced Operation and Maintenance programs, and for other purposes
3-33 pfd pfd
TSL 6-31 To appropriate the sum of $1,093,450 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Truk
Airport Terminal Project, and for other purposes
3-36 pfd NA
TSL 6-32 To appropriate the sum of $1,232,736 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the public
facilities restoration program, and for other purposes
3-37 3/8/1988 pfd NA
TSL 6-33 To amend Section 2 of the TSL No. 6-24, the FY-88 State Budget, to reallocate funds appropriated for the
operating expense of the Legislative Branch from Personnel Costs of Travel and All Others, and for other purposes
3-38 3/17/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-34 To appropriate the sum of $398,180 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the
Assistance Relief and Restoration Program, and for other purposes
3-39 3/24/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-35 To appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of supplementing the
operations of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch of the Truk State Government
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, and for other purposes
3-40 3/24/1988 pfd pfd
TSL6-36 To appropriating the sum of $25,000, from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the
operation of the Inner Faichuk Development Authority for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, and for
other purposes
3-41 3/24/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-37 To appropriate the sum of $5,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the Disaster
Assistance Relief and Restoration Program, and for other purposes
3-42 3/24/1988 pfd pfd
Law No. 6 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 6-38 To appropriate the sum of $30,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding participation
of the Legislature of Truk State at the conference of the Association of Pacific islands Legislatures at Pago Pago,
American Samoa, and for other purposes
3-44 pfd pfd
TSL 6-39 To create the Truk Visitors Bureau, and to provide for its organization, terms of office, powers and duties, to
provide the source of funds for its initial operation, to repeal TSL No. 22-20, and for other purposes
3-43 pfd pfd
TSL 6-40 To amend Section 4 and Section 13 of TSL No. 6-16, as amended by TSL No. 6-23 and TSL No. 6-25, and for other
3-45 5/30/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-41 To prohibit the importation, manufacture, sale and use of fireworks in the State of Truk, to repeal TSL No. 1-1-8
relating to the same, and for other purposes
3-47 8/2/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-42 To amend TSL No. 6-16, as amended, be establishing the Truk State 1988 Constitutional Convention to create
and organize its own committees, and for other purposes
3-48 8/2/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-43 To appropriate the sum of $18,284.24 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the disaster
relief assistance program, and for other purposes
3-51 8/2/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-44 To appropriate the sum of $32,000 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of supplementing the
funds for the operation of the Truk Constitutional Convention, and for other purposes
3-54 pfd pfd
TSL 6-45 To amend TSL 4-91, the Real Estate Mortgage Law, in order to permit a private right of sale under Deed of Trust
Legislation, and for other purposes
3-52 8/12/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-46 To provide for a satisfactory method of securing the financing of real estate projects and transactions by the
United States of America acting through the Farmers Home Administration or other federal agencies, including
but not limited to the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Administrations, and for
other purposes
3-53 8/12/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-47 To appropriate the sum of $28,394,525 from the General Fund of the State for the fiscal year ending September
30, 1989, for the purpose of funding the internal operations of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of
the Truk State Government, State Boards and Commissions, Special Block Grant Programs, other government
agencies, and for other purposes
3-49 8/19/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-48 To appropriate the sum of $1,209,424 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of supplementing the
funds for Chapter I and II for FY’88, and for other purposes
3-46 pfd pfd
TSL 6-49 To appropriate the sum of $1,156,020 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the
operations and program of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), and for other purposes
3-55 pfd pfd
TSL 6-50 To amend Section 1 of TSL No. 6-14, as amended by TSL No. 6-29, to reprogram funds authorized for Fourth,
Fifth, Sixth and Ninth Election Districts, and for other purposes
3-50 8/22/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-51 To further amend Section 4 of TSL No. 6-16, as amended by TSL No. 6-23, TSL No. 6-25, TSL No. 6-40 and TSL No.
6-42, and for other purposes
9/16/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-52 To appropriate the sum of $147,498 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding CDBG
Programs in FY 1989, and for other purposes
3-56 9/30/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-53 To amend Section 10 of TSL No. 6-16, as amended, relating to the salaries and expenses of Delegates to the Truk
State Constitutional Convention, to provide for an increase in allowance, and for other purposes
3-57 pfd pfd
TSL 6-54 To appropriate the sum of $2,727,176 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding certain
projects of the State, and for other purposes
9/30/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-55 To appropriate the sum of $112,707 from the General Fund of the State for FY 1989 for the purpose of
supplementing the funds of the Truk State Constitutional Convention of 1988, and for other purposes
9/30/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-56 To appropriate the sum of $9,014,912 from the General Fund of the State for the purpose of funding the FY 1989
CIP Projects, and for other purposes
3-61 10/17/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-57 To amend Section 2 of TSL No. 6-32, and for other purposes 10/17/1988 pfd pfd
TSL 6-58 To amend Section 5,7 and 10 of TSL No. 6-24, relating to the Operating Expenses of Other Programs, the
Operating Expenses of CIP/Economic Projects, the Allotment and Management of Funds and their lapsing dates,
and for other purposes
pfd pfd
Law No. 6 Descriptions Act No. Date Aproved English Chuukese
TSL 6-66 To provide a criminal code, to repeal Title II of the Trust Territory Code, and for other purposes 3-69 pfd NA