Chuuk State Law Index C

Law No. 14-17 Descriptions Act No Date Aproved English Chuukese
CSL 14-17-01 To appropriate the sum of $45,689,173 from the General Fund of the State of Chuuk for fiscal year ending September 30, 2018
for the purpose of funding the internal operation of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Branches of the Chuuk State
Government, State Public Auditor, Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Agencies, State Other Programs, and to set the
employment ceiling of each Branch, Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Agencies, and for reporting on the status of funds
and for other purposes.
14-01 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-02 To further amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 8A of CSL No. 13-16-05, as amended by CSL No. 13-16-11, CSL No. 13-16-
17, and CSL No. 13-16-18, by appropriating the sum of $477,195 or so much thereof as may be necessary from the General
Fund of the State of Chuuk for the year ending September 30, 2017 and for other purposes
14-02 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-03 Appropriating the sum of $3 million dollars from Chuuk State's shares of the Infrastructure Development Grant under the
Compact of Free Association, as amended, for the purpose of funding Chuuk State's contribution for the construction of the
College of Micronesia Chuuk state Campus and access roads, and for other purposes.
14-03 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-04 Amending Section 4 of Chuuk State Law No. 13-15-07 (The Kuop Atoll Marine Protected Area) to set a timeline for the
Governor to submit progress reports to the legislature and Section 7 by increasing the number of atoll owners' representatives
on the MPA Advisory Committee, and adding a representative from the Uman municipality government, and for other
14-04 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-05 To establish a Chuuk State Protected Areas Network (PAN), and to provide for planning, management, and regulation of the
PAN, and for other purposes.
14-05 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-06 To modernize the system for administering foreign investments in Chuuk, repealing Section 1051 of 37 TTC § 51 and Chuuk
State Law No. 4-99-03 as amended by CSL No. 6-02-03, in their entireties and for other purposes
14-06 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-07 To further amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 8A of CSL No. 13-16-05, as amended by CSL No. 13-16-11; CSL No. 13-16-
17; CSL No. 13-16-18, and CSL No. 14-17-02 by re-designate the uses of fund under Section 3(I); de-appropriating the
$125,000, under Section 8(U); appropriating the sum of 14,346 for the U.S Federal Programs and an additional amount
491,005 from the Compact Prior Year Unallocated Fund to be consistent with the Grant Award amounts and to appropriate the
sum of $87,500 or so much thereof as may be necessary from the General Fund of the State of Chuuk for the year ending
September 30, 2017, to supplement certain programs and services of the State, and for other purposes.
14-07 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-08 To amend CSL No. 14-17-01, Sections 1, 2, 3,4, 6, 7, 8 and 9, by incorporating recommendation by JEMCO with respect to
compact sector grant allocations to appropriate the sum of $322,950 from the General Fund of the Chuuk State Government to
fund additional operating expenses for the Legislative Branch , and for other purposes.
14-08 pfd NA
CSL 14-17-09 To amend CSL No. 14-17-01 as amended by CSL No. 14-17-08, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 by appropriating the sum of
$157,461 from the General Fund of the State of Chuuk, and inserting a new Section 8A and appropriating an additional
amount of $837,332 for the purpose of funding the State’s federally funded programs for fiscal year ending September 30,
2018, and for other purposes.
14-09 pfd NA
CSL 14-18-06 To impose a fee on persons departing the Chuuk State and repealing CSL 190-13 and all amendments 14-12 NA NA
CSL 14-18-12 To further amend Sections 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 8A of CSL No. 14-17-01 as amended by CSL No. 14-17-08 and CSL No. 14-17-10,
by appropriating the sum of $970,393.28, for the U.S. Federal Programs and also appropriating the sum of $69,027 or so much
thereof as may be necessary from the General Fund of the State of Chuuk for year ending September 30, 2018, to supplement
certain programs and services for the State, and for other purposes.
14-11 2/9/18 NA NA